New Hip Hop to enjoy this Weekend.
Happy Weekend Fellow 88ers. We got shit spilling out of the Bag this weekend. Just had a week full of great interviews with ENELS of GRIMEWAV, 1692 and MASTER MIND STUDIO. We also had an amazing discussion last night about the future of Live Indie Hip Hop Shows in Miami, and how we can all benefit from them. Shout out to my special guest #SoFlowOrganizers JAKX @dirty5ive, KOSI VICTOR @realnamekosi , and IVAN L @ivanlrhymeswell. If you guys are interested in rocking a stage in Miami and Broward, holla at one of these dudes. Word on the street is IVAN L is throwing his BROLIFE FESTIVAL this weekend. Head out there for a great time and some great networking oppurtunities (flyer below).
Alright Alright Alright…Here’s the Bag.
Apathy – Where The River Meets The Sea
Connecticut DEMIGOD, APATHY, is back with one of the best albums I have heard this year. Always an animal on the mic, APATHY never disappoints when it comes to hard punches, dope beats and expertly crafted bars. However, WHERE THE RIVER MEETS THE SEA is the most transparent and vulnerable we have ever heard the ARMY OF THE PHAROAHS General. On the Title track, after an emotional Voice Mail ridden Intro, APATHY explains that this album, is “where the Future Meets the Past”, his cathartic work of closure on a turbulent past and his commitment to creating a brighter future for his family. JONATHAN LIVINGSTON SEAGUL floats out of the ocean like a fog with a poetic narrative that sets the metaphor for us…Just like the Seagull who flies the highest sees the furthest, APATHY explains that his life journeys have brought him to a place where he doesnt see shit the same anymore and has bigger priorities than silly feuds, gossip, back biting and a stagnant unappreciative underground scene. It seems AP has realized that his seeds need his words of wisdom more than his audience does. The use of the P.E. “Refuse To Lose” sample is delicious on this beat. The Lead Single WE DONT FUCK AROUND sounds even better as the album evolves. Is that “You chasing currensy, encouraged to hail Satan” bar a diss to VINNIE PAZ??? Hmmmm. STYLES P and LIL FAME join the fun on PSE which flips the classic Bigge Smalls sample and sets the stage for a trip through the Memories of your High School Hallways. The beat switch up on this beat make an already banging track even nastier. I don’t care how old you are, you going to be transported back to the days of skipping class, but you will not skip this track. APATHY surfs comfortably with the Younger Wave as ANNOYED, BREVI, and CHRIS WEBBY join him boogy boarding all over the bubbly, aquatic instrumental of UNDERWATER. By the end of the song you forget that this cut is on an album by one of the Undergrounds most Deadliest MC’s, as you get completely submerged in the radio friendly vibe. Not to say APATHY is selling out on WHERE THE RIVER in hopes of getting Radio Play or “Blowing Up”, Fuck No Never. He just has a sensibility and understanding of all difference flavors his large audience likes, and delivers better than the Best Uber Eats driver. For all you Undeground Purist thinking AP is going to Pop with the singy hooks, all you need is one listen to FORCE FIELDS featuring SOULS OF MISCHIEF, PEP LOVE & TAJAI, to remember AP “Keeps It Lit Like a Dynamite Stick”. A RAINY DAY IN CONNECTICUT just turned into my new favorite song to sing in the rain, wait for the downpour after the beat flip on the 3rd verse. MERMAID MUSIC is the kind of thing that “Hip Hop Dreams Come True” are made of, I’ve heard this sample flipped before by Apollo Brown, but who ever produced this joint gave APOLLO a run for his money. Once you’re done swimming around on this rock that has 3qts of its surface covered by water, as ironically this album track list is covered by Aqua References, take a trip off the planet on DREAM SEQUENCE as APATHY & SNAK THE RIPPER take you on a journey through their dreamscapes. REMEMBER THE NIGHT…Fuck what an Album Closer. One of those, I rather you listen to it than tell you about it, cuz words wont do it justice. I’ve had to eat my words several times already this year claiming an album is a contender for AOTY prematurely, however, in this case I’m going to let this album play and repeat through out the week to see how it stands the test of time…I’m on my 3rd listen right now, and its moving up the Top 10 List of 2021 with each spin.
DMX – Exodus (Full Album)
R.I.P. DOG MAN X. Receive this homage in peace and power.
I need to start this write up by admitting that I wasn’t the biggest DMX Fan when he came out. I couldn’t deny the sway he had over the masses and the way the party would BLOW UP to a whole nother level when the Dj played RUFF RYDERS ANTHEM, but I won’t sit here and front like I owned all his albums and know every lyric and hook. I shamefully admit that in my young underground snobery, I didn’t give DMX a chance for the same reason I didn’t give Jay Z a chance. They were just too main stream for me. I take that L.
This year we all took the L as DMX became the latest Hip Hop Legend to pass away way too soon. Or was it really that he lived much longer than he should have. How many times did Earl Simmons escape the grips of Death and addiction? No one really knows, but in his new Posthumous Album EXODUS he does it one more time, and leaves us one final body of work to help us escape the past year of despair.
As business start to open their doors again, restaurants and clubs in Miami are welcoming the public back in and I can’t help but forsee that the first qtr of this album will be banging out of every venue speaker this Summer. THATS MY DOG feat. THE LOX is a Banger showing the KISS, SHEIK LOUCH & STYLES P in Top Form. JAY & NAS Murder their features on BATH SALTS (I wonder what Bae thinks bout that Hov verse??). LIL WAYNE on DOGS OUT!!! Are You Fucking Kidding Me?? I have never been a Weezy fan boy. I remember the Wayne from the HOT BOYS, that kid sucked. When he went through his Mixtape run, I was convinced he had ghost writers (Drake). But bruuuuhhhh. As a Lyricist, what he does on DOGS OUT is rawwwww as fuck, completely owning the Dog Scheme. My man CAVEMAN BLESS said HOOD BLUES with GRISELDA is the musical equivalent of getting jumped for walking on the wrong block (LOL). As I hear the Alicia Keys blessed HOLD ME DOWN, SKYSCRAPERS with BONO of U2 gracing the hook, WALKING IN THE RAIN with DENAUN, NAS and Earl’s son EXODUS SIMMONS, and LETTER TO MY SON with USHER singing “I Let you Down, Should of been There But I Let You Down, Call Your Father”(Automatic Hit Singles), i get sad thinking, he would have blown up and been set for life with these songs. But what would he have done with all that money? Maybe sometimes Life sends us along on our journey before we trap ourselves even further in this hell. He was much bigger than his weaknesses. Hence even after he has moved on we have a classic DMX Album that will probably outlive us all.

Edo.G & Insight Innovates LP
By the introduction of this banger of an LP you should know if this album is for you or not. It’s definetly for US here at #WVCCRadio. Boston Legend EDO.G has been busier than bull dog on a couch leg, dropping features left and right and Colab albums like his latest offering with long time friend and fellow Bostonian INSIGTH INNOVATES where you find both MC’s holding a combine on Dope Record Production. Every fucking track on this album slaps. I’ll let them tell their story below. Check the link for the CD and Vinyl.
Edo. G & Insight Innovates deliver that raw, jazzy, and true-to-life hip-hop on their self-titled debut album. It’s the culmination of decades of friendship and collaboration, birthed from childhood memories and the early days of the Boston rap scene. And with this 10-track project, both artists sound as hungry and passionate as ever while they deliver one of the year’s best releases to date.
For Edo and Insight, that meant more than just “boom-bap” sounds or tight lyricism—it meant bringing everything to the table, including next-level lyricism. As Insight explains, “This project is focused on punchy drums, bass, attractive melodies, and a realistic life message and story from black men in a slowly changing world.”
You can hear that mission statement on instant highlights “Choose Your Path” and “It Takes Progress,” with the latter serving as the album’s first leak. With good reason, of course, because Insight and Edo admit that it’s one of their favorites from the record. In addition to featuring some of their best rhymes, it provided a way for them to not just sound off on societal issues but also offer some solutions.
But Edo G. & Insight Innovates also succeeds because of the way that simultaneously pays homage to and modernizes hip-hop’s past. There are cultural Easter eggs and outright tributes all over the album, like the absolutely banging “Set It Off (Long Live Kane),” which rightly gives flowers to hip-hop legend Big Daddy Kane. The two also show love to Edo’s own history by reimagining his classic Da Bulldogs joint, “I Got To Have It,” on the standout track “Unite & Let’s All Get Down.”
As Insight says, it was part of their shared goal to “make a dope hip-hop album that reflects who we are and what we’re about.” He and Edo met that goal and then some with this release, which becomes available on Friday, May 28 through all major DSPs, as well as vinyl and CD via Brick Records.
Chuck Chan & Flu – The Cult
CHUCK CHAN constantly supplies his audience with eyefuls of acid, as he spits recklessly and disrespectfully. No consideration for the average flow patterns everyone else is trying to copy. No shame in outshining those who claim to have more of a rep or buzz. No thought of decency or respect for the public as he comes through with THE CULT, which just happens to include Arkham Asylum Escapees G FAM BLACK, GENERALL BACK PAIN, ENOX, SUBSTANCE 810, KILLY SHOOT, & LUPUS DEI. Press Play and witness CHUCK CHAN “Break a fickle faction down into fractions” on Deadly Medley. Not only does MR. CHAN invite some heavy hitters to the party, but as he promises, None of them came to sound Like Anyone else. They All sound incredible over FLU‘s production which is the real highlight of an album that’s full of peaks. He’s got a solid back catalogue, so if you have been sleeping on CHUCK CHAN or FLU, do your digging. No Initiation Fee required. The Cult collects on the back end.

Shottie – Pure Gratitude [Official Music Video]
Hands down the hottest single to drop in Miami Hip Hop this week. The COMMON GROUND Shooter, The HUMAN SUSHI Head Chef, The Daniel Craig of Kendall, SHOTTIE is in full Sniper Mode with a Golden Riffle. Last week he hit us with the Audio release of PURE GRATITUDE, and this week we got blessed with the Official Visuals, (surprisingly NOT filmed and Directed by Art Morera). Filmed by ED VOGT & Directed by SHOTTIE aka DRE TORRES himself, this video is full of great Cameos (If you were lucky enough to come up in the scene during the Golden Era of Miami Indie Hip Hop Circa 2010, you know what up). Down South Femcee, and fellow ROLLING STONED Affiliate MARY JANE graces the screen with her “BAD ASS BIH” self. TEV95 is shown hard at work putting the final touches on the upcoming #MOSKVITCH album, and of course, the KING OF KENDALL, 305’s SAUCE KING makes his appearance like Forrest Gump through out all the important moments in Kendall’s History. We even get to meet SHOTTIE’S “Wing Man”, CHARLIE, who “WAS BLIND FROM 1 EYE WHEN HE FIRST BROUGHT HIM HOME/ NOW HE CAN PROBABLY SPOT A BONE QUICKER THAN INDIANA JONES” We are PURELY GRATEFUL for Charlies miraculous recovery, and that we have a New SHOTTIE album coming soon. Be on the look out for #MOSKVITCH.
Ransom feat. Royce Da 5’9 – Greed (Prod. Lord Sear)
Wow…Just Woow…It’s RANSOM & ROYCE 5’9. Both loosing their minds over this LORD SEAR gem. Hit Play and Enjoy.

Apollo Brown & O.C. – Just Walk (Official Video)
Riding a fantastic sample flip of Isaac Hayes rendition of WALK ON BY, The OG O.C. is back with Detroit Super Producer APOLLO BROWN on JUST WALK. APOLLO has been releasing singles off his new R&B album with Raheem Devaughn, where he has brilliantly taken classic Hip Hop Hit samples and repurposed them for some of the sexiest soul music to come out in a while. On this new single with Queens Legend O.C., he flips that formula and grabs a sample from one of the most classic R&B remakes of Bert Bacharach’s hit record, and makes a concrete trampoline for O.C. to Hop on with Timberland Boots on. This whole record just Got That Feel to it. We will have this on Rotation on WVCCRadio for the rest of the Summer. Now all we need is a whole New OC AND APOLLO BROWN album to follow up their debut release on Mello Music Group , 2013’s TROPHIES.

Eminem – Killer (Remix) ft. Jack Harlow & Cordae (Official Audio)
My Man NUCLEAR SAIGON put me on to this this morning. We been bumping EM since his first Mixtapes, before the Slim Shady LP and Infinite. That’s when we we were around JACK HARLOW & CORDAE’s age. These dudes are killing their lanes right now and for EM to rock this Remix with them is a Dope Look. That’s how you stay relevant. Yo D!!! Stop Sending me pictures of those Banging Ass Burritos you BUMM BUMM.
Evaize – Bob Dylan (Prod. Dr. Bowzer)
The homie EVAIZE has evolved right in front of our eyes. I’m welling up with pride. This is what ASH must feel like when he sees one of his Pokemon leveling up. When I first met EVAIZE I couldn’t find any of his music online, he was intimidated by the Cypher and Stage, and wasn’t really fucking with too many people in the scene. Fast Forward to 2019-2021 and E has released 4 Albums; His Solo EP, 2 Crew Projects with RAW DAWG SEWAGE RAP, a Group Album with MCKXNNA & BAKED PLISSKEN as ACID BARRELLS, and a Group Project with MIC SESSIONZ called DUST2DIRT. On top of that he has created the first OFFICIAL MIAMI HIP HOP PLAYLIST on Spotify. Now EVAIZE is back to show you he is fully capable of fucking shit all on his own with BOB DYLAN produced by long time friend and producer DR. BOWZER. “At The End of the Day all I got is 16 Bars and a Pen / Let the Onslaught Begin” E says as he sets off on his bitch slapping of the Electric Guitar and Organ heavy BOWZER Banger. He proclaims, “Everyone is scared of trying cuz they might fail / Meanwhile Im scared of Not Trying because I might Prevail / Peace to Future Me, I GOT YOU, I put that on my First Sale”. This dude is on a mission right now. Look At Him Grow. Get those mofuckers E.

Choco Valens-Fallen
New CHOCO VALENS…You know this shit is going to be fun. No one does Crazy, Violent, Satirical Misogyny like our boy CHOCO. And no one can run through cadences and styles like this man can. Take the Acid Hit Trip with him on FALLEN and enjoy the ride. For more from CHOCO VALENS, make sure you pick up his latest work in Bar Brutality WOLFENSTEIN on all Digital Platorms and BANDCAMP.
JFliz – Crop Circles (Produced by X3LA)
Funny how the past year has been so crazy that the government isn’t even trying to lie to us anymore about the existence of UFO’s. We have seen countless interviews and news segments regarding sightings by Military Officials, Law Enforcement, Pilots and more. The homie JFLIZ asks the questions that no ones asking on his new single CROP CIRCLES, why now? Press Play and feed your mind something outside of the menu of B.S. their serving us.

Novatore x C-Lance – Embrace the Darkness II (FULL ALBUM)
Some Boxes should just not be fucked with. The Box that was imprisoning Chicago’s NOVATORE & Boston’s C-LANCE is one of them….Too Late. I pressed Play. Opening with a flood of bad memories from my childhood, the Hellraiser Vocal Samples set the tone for the eerie score that C-LANCE orchestrates for NOVATORE to piss flames on. EMBRACE THE DARKNESS 2 is more a display of musical and microphone mastery then Macabre Horror Core. These 2 are in Prime Form on ETD2. Every Beat C-LANCE strings together is full, multilayered and drives you to uncontrollable head nodding. The more songs that went by the more I noticed NOVATORE is actually dropping gems all over this album. One of the Albums Singles, MYTH featuring GORILLA NEMS (which we’ve played several times on WVCC RADIO), was a huge surprise when we first heard it and hits even harder on the album, as a bold proclamation of straight edge, sober living and the evident benefits of living a life in control of your self destructive impulses. Other notable features are TERMANOLOGY & AM EARLY MORNING on LOOKING BACK where they give us a look into their Hip Hop Backstories. MASK UP feat G-MO SKEE is a dope twist on a homage to the Fallen Super Villain MF DOOM. NIGHT RAIDERS OPENING CREDIT is a fantastic ride in a Trans Am through the Streets of 1988 past Neon Signs, dropping you off at the bloody murder scene that is NIGHT RAIDERS feat MOECYRUS, which sounds like the cult compound of Sylvester Stallone’s COBRA if it were an underground hip hop track. On the album closer, NOVATORE gets “Darker Than Vader, Sharpenning the Blade to Park It in the Heart of Hater, I love the Fruit but I still savor the art of the labor” and proceeds to stab the listener to death/life with a laser sharp pen. This aint C-LANCE & NOVATORE‘s first Rodeo together. Check the prequel to this underground gem EMBRACE THE DARKNESS, and make sure you give this album plenty of spins this week.
Maylay Sparks x Clever 1 x K Sluggah – Frozen Mugs (Album)
I became a Fan of Clever 1 when I heard KISS MY CONVERSE, his joint project with Gaillo Point. Now he is back with another banger of an album, FROZEN MUGS with MAYLAY SPARKS & K SLUGGAH. The album features an unreleased verse by fallen soldier MALIK B of the ROOTS (RIP). Make sure you let this shit ride as it is full of all the dope ingredients that Blunt Smoking, Free Styling B Girls and B Boys are made of.


And In This Cornerrrrr!!! Representing Haverhill Mass., weighing in at….???, well his name says it all. This brother is HEAVY!! Another Spit Boxer from Murder Mass has entered the #CyphLyfeRadio Ring with something to prove and he delivers the goods on his new release THE WEIGH IN. 10 rounds of Savage Punches, brutal bars, and beats that will get you lifting the whole Bench along with the Bar at the Gym. With over 20 Years of working on his craft under his belt, after taking some time off to secure the bag and get his family right, HEAVY is now back in the gym, taking his pent up aggression out on your eardrums. A long time affiliate of Haverhill’s EXP Crew, consisting of HEAVY, JAY KINSER, DIRT RUSTLE, & GI, HEAVY grew up studying Massachusetts’s legendary crew ST. Da SQUAD, and he takes his responsibilities on the mic serious, well aware of the shadow he is standing in and the huge shoes he is trying to fill. HEAVY shares with WVCC,
“We had some big shoes to fill here in Haverhill since a lot of the ST Da Squad is from here or around here. They were a huge inspiration for me and they continue to help me to this day. They are like the big bros”.
HEAVY talking about ST DA Squad
For all of you who might not be familiar with ST Da SQUAD, it is the original crew of Indie Heavy Weights TERMANOLOGY, REKS, EA$Y MONEY, SUPERSTAH SNUK and more. SUPERSTAH SNUK makes his presence felt on THE WEIGH IN’s 2nd Track I KNOW, where both he and HEAVY laugh in the face of those wishing death upon them. On HOW TO DO THIS, HEAVY walks these slower level rappers through the steps on how to rock a set properly, CONCEPT joins in the tutorship and makes sure the lesson sticks. Long Time EXP Crew Member JAY KINSER joins the fire fight on YALL GON SEE & and their joined by EXP Member DIRT RUSTLE on LIZARD KING as they walk the instrumental into a Mosh Pit on Drugs. SHA-ELEMENTAL helps switch up the vibe on HANDS ON THE WHEEL as they drive the party anthem into oncoming traffic. SHA shows up again on the albums sole Pose Cut, ALL DAY, which also features DIRT RUSTLE AND J-WEEZY (I swear there are hundred MC’s with a name that starts with J in Mass). This project is full of nose breaking bangers, but its also got something for the ladies (cuz what’s a boxing match without the Ring Girls walking around with the Round Cards). ALL NIGHT LONG is a track worthy of driving through your cities party district with the windows down and volume up. This is the one you want play in the telly full of of mamis. Don’t get shit twisted though, just cuz he can make a song to get the ladies dancing don’t mean this is Bitch Pop. HEAVY will lay any contender on the canvas who suggest such a thing.
#WDDHRadio Miami Heat PlayOff Mix 2021
Salute to the Miami Heat for making it to the 2021 PlayOffs, even if they are getting their asses handed to them by Milwaukee. Even Bigger Salute to the homie Orion of WDDHRadio Podcast who is continuing his tradition of Miami Heat Playoff Mixes. Enjoy some of Miami’s Hottest Hip Hop that gives you that Champion Feel. Lets all bump this Playlist Loud this weekend, Light some candles and Pray for the Best. LETS GO HEAT!!!!

#WVCCRadio #CyphLyfe
Underground and Indie Hip Hop Streaming Live on TWITCH.TV
Tues & Thursday (9pm – 12 Midnight EST)
Wed #LunchtimeFunkFromParis Midday Mix (Wednesdays 11am – 1pm EST)
Fri #BreakfastBarBuffet Morning Mix (Fridays 8am-10am EST)