New Hip Hop to set your Weekend Off Right.
Its been a Fantastic Week at Vice City Cypher. Since we run off the Support of our Audience, we would like you to know what your support has been helping us accomplish.
1.Celebrated my 44th Trip around the Sun.
2.Dropped my 1st Official LP with Djproofbeatz#TheWATERPROOF.
3.Got our Single #LetterToTheLadies picked up by one of the YouTube Channels I follow for New Hip Hop Real Rap Family, and its doing well.
4. Got Props & Respect from my Local and National Peers who thought I was just an online Radio Show Host and Blogger.
5.Locked down an Interview with thee A.F.R.O. All Flows Reach Out on #WVCCRadio for next Thursday 4/1.
6.Got one of our Singles picked up by DJ Ronsha& G-Zon-Ronshamix#219_12KW21 , A French Mixtape Show who is adding us to their Mix Next week.
7.Networked with the homie G-Zon Delameute from France to make #DjRonshaxGZonMixTapeShow our New Wed Lunchtime Mix from 11-1pm. And Now #WVCCRadio is being Promoted in France.
8. My Daughter told me #LettersToTheLadies, the song on the album dedicated to her, is her New Favorite song. I made her Proud of Me.
#CyphLyyyyfe #SoFlowAudioDrugPlug #GoingInternational #GrowingTheFanBase
Thank yo for all your support, We wouldn’t be growing without you. Now to the New Music….
El Colombiano from Dirty Jersey, “Mr. Ayayai” CRIMEAPPLE, who isn’t “Latin enough for Telemundo, but Too Assessino for MTV” is back with what might just haven taken the #1 spot for AOTY so far in 2021. YDFWC? Or YOU DON’T FUCK WITH CRIME? dropped last night at 12 Midnight, and I stayed up for extra 36 Min after hosting #WVCCRadio #ThursdayNightCypher to take in this magnificently written album. CRIME is in Prime form on YDFWC?, taking his style, which he admits to being birthed from the Roc Marci lineage, to the next level. El Parce Barbuo (The Bearded Homie) tap dances through the minimalist productions of Buck Dudley, Brown13, Sebb Bash, Michaelangelo, Animoss and HouseShoes, and makes them joints sound like Epic Movie Scores.Standout tracks like JUAN PAN, FREE ENTERPRISE( Where CRIME is effortlessly putting all his peers who he has surpassed on blast over a slowed down Soul Sample…SOMBODYS GOTTA WIN, SOMEBODYS GOTTA LOSE), MANCHURIAN BADIDATE ( He loses his fucking mind on this shit), PRIMOS BIRTHDAY (Over a sample flip of my favorite THE SACRED SOULS cut), & TALCUM JAMAL WARNER make this album a must listen and worthy of multiple replays. I haven’t heard anyone get loose with the pen at this level yet this year, and his energy and confidence are way passed all allowable parameters, making this our current AOTY 2021. If YOU DON’T FUCK WITH CRIME yet, this will be the album that wakes you up.
For Rammellzee.
DJ Muggs and Flee Lord meet on their collaborative album, Rammellzee.
Inspired by Rammellzee, the late hip hop graffiti artist from Queens, the Soul Assassin producer and Flee Lord bring the avant-garde vibes throughout the set including the standout “Eating Never Stressing“.
At 11 tracks, the LP boasts the collaborations “Wallabies & Gucci Loafers” (Ghostface Killah, Roc Marciano), Queens Get The $$$ (Meyhem Lauren), “Mansions In The Ghetto” (Crimeapple), and “Daleon x Delgado” (TF).
The release follows DJ Muggs recent project Death & The Magician with Rome Streetz and Flee Lord’s previous In The Name Of Gee.

8ch2Owens & DJ Proof: THE WATERPROOF
Here is what some are saying about The WATERPROOF. The price has been lowered to $10 so get your copy today and support the dude who supports you year round.



SAGE of the 33rd Scroll (No Emotion and the Godz)
🌊8ch & DJ Proof knew exactly what they were doing on this, a tsunami of flows and fluid rhythms demonstrating how alive and hydrated real hip-hop still is, flooding out all the doubters, quenching all whom have began to lose faith.
8ch2o showing everyone the Proof.
You can begin feeling the drizzle from the start as goosebumps, you knew right then they were about to get BUSY! bussing you straight into a hurricane of imagery that takes you to the urban scenery where the real inspirations of Hip-Hop lie, at this point I was glad this project was waterproof because my eyes began to leak and I knew these were flows from the heart of Hip-Hop. Seeing Jewels cascading in the distance like tiny diamonds the streams became rivers swallowing the soul, as water poured into my ears I became Tone Deaf. Fully enveloped by the current I began to float and then the image of my pops appeared and asked what you going to do mijo? sink or swim? I knew I had to be a Go Getter… The bubbles became Stars then a blizzard as my Face resurfaced with The Rocket 8ch & Proof had built, knowing now I was going to make it out alive all I had to do was Believe!
@8ch2owins 💧
@djproof305 📀

Armand Hammer & The Alchemist – “Haram”
I got hit up left and right about this album this morning. We played the Single SUNLIGHT last night on #WVCCRadio, but it didn’t prepare us for the LP. ARMAND HAMMER, the duo made up of BILLY WOODS & ELUCID have been repping the Underground Avant-Gard Vanguard for over 20 Years, and now they drop HARAM, produced completely by the great “AL THE CHEMIST” who produced what arguably some of the best albums of 2020 with ALFREDO & LULU. This time AL goes into his Triple Darkness Bag as WOODS & ELUCID take you into the underground temples that Atticus Freemans lineage built beneath LOVECRAFT COUNTRY once the magic traded hands. These dudes are Word Warlocks, and the spell they cast on HARAM’s 14 tracks has everyone buzzing. Read the reviews from NPR , and The Washington Post and then press play and judge for yourselves.
Hands down the my favorite song to drop in #SoFlow (South Florida’s Hip Hop Scene) this week. BELEAF leaked his new feel good track MAD AT ME last Saturday, on a clear blue brisk day which gave the song an even fresher feel. This song was made for Summer, It just has that tank top, and Girls in tiny shorts feel to it, but the Wxlf who’s been called the NAS of Kendall by some in the scene makes Winter surrender and ushers in the Spring Season with this joint. 3 Verses of Heat giving you an inside look at BELEAF’s Life, his long road of fighting for what he wants in life, the sacrifices he’s made to make sure his family is taken care of, and his drive to attain the status that people say is unreachable, even when its not in his best interest. This is an honest song full of internal monologue, You can hear BE telling himself “You Should’ve Dunked instead of Laying It Up, PATRICK EWING”, not afraid of facing his mistakes head on to learn from them and perfect his form. BELEAF took some time away from the scene, as we all do when we have kids and realize this Indie Rap Game might get you props, but it doesn’t pay the bills and keep food on the table. After taking some years off to establish his career and secure his sources of income, he is back with a hunger, having dropped a feature here and their every month since the KENDALL VZ HIALEAH showdown. But this last week he went crazy, dropping 4 songs in a week. Enjoy the Playlist we created in his honor as our 1st official #WVCCRadio Artist of the Week. Work & Rap your ass off like BELEAF and maybe you will win the award next week.

SIR CHARLES – “REAR VIEW” (Produced by: Shakespeare)
2nd Favorite #SoFlow song of the Week. SIR CHARLES aka THOUSAND is back with a scathing retort to his haters and doubters. He’s to far ahead of you to see you in his REAR VIEW. Laying low during the Corona lock down, 1K spent the time working on himself and his art, and secretly stock piling an LP, ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, due to drop in April. The first single is produced by a brother that goes way back in Miami Hip Hop History, back to the days of POLISH AMERICAN CLUB MC Battles, SHAKESPEAR. The Thumping Drums are merciless as they inspire SIR CHARLES to not only pass, but lap his opps. Its only 1 Verse, but the bars are real enough to stretch a lifetime. Another great video by ART MORERA makes this single even more enjoyable, especially with the natural comedic chemistry between the two at the beginning of the Vid and ART’s fulfillment of SIR CHARLES’s Dream Video Wish List at the end. Ironically a song called REAR VIEW has us all looking forward to SIR CHARLES next body of work. (#bars)
Mardoch – Stockpile feat. XP The Marxman
The Sharpshooter from the Fresh Coast, XP The Marxman is back yet again with another stellar track. STOCKPILE is an eerie Synth and Piano Roll flex Produced by SWISS DJ/ PRODUCER MARDOCH. XP makes it evident on the verses that he is an a whole other level from those who trying to chuck rocks at the sun, who “dont make the Cut cuz the STAKES TO HIGH”. XP has proven through the years that he is a beat eating maching, no matter what style or tempo you give him, he is going to do damage and make it sound smooth and effortless. This is just another body to add to the kill count.
PROFIT PRE – Black Mirrors ft. Sage Of The 33rd Scroll (Prod. DJ Ben Workin x Grim Reefer)
We have been given a gift from THE GODZ. 3 of the voices out of the Legion of characters in the head of South Florida’s Golden Masked Schizophrenic MC NOEMOTION GOLD MASK have joined forces to drop BLACK MIRRORS. A Single by PROFIT PRE feat astral poet SAGE Of The 33rd SCROLL and Produced by the mad man BEN WORKIN & GRIM REEFER. A Simple guitar string and organ loop becomes a hypnotic funnel that PROFIT PRE & SAGE use to drop audio gems into your brains vault. Sharing woven words of enlightenment, encouragement, affirmation, but also accountability reminding you Karma always comes to collect, and when it does we need to “OWN UP TO YOUR OWN FAULTS, DONT POINT THE FINGER AT SOMEBODY ELSE.” SAGE covers your blind spot and advises you that “ONLY SEEING THINGS FROM ONE ANGLE IS YOUR WORST ENEMY“ and proceeds to give you eye opening bars from all directions. According to PROFIT PRE, he has been rappin since 03 and makes music from his life experiences. You can check out more of his Solo work on his latest album BANDIT FURY 3. While your at it, dont forget to be a part of the Godz Community daily at 7pm on NOEMOTION’s YouTube Channel for their daily LIVE Recording Session.

Nature’s Fury – Come My Way Remastered
Before their was DubP Money Mogly and the Wolf Pack. Before their was Common Ground, Agony, North Star, Shootie and Littles. Before their was PROFRESH, SERUM, 8ch2Owens, Soarse Spoken. Before there was MIC RIPPA, B-DOPE, CHP, PITBULL, RICK ROSS or Even TRICK DADDY. One of the first groups Representing Real Hip Hop in South South West West Miami, specifically KENDALL, with their Music on WAX and selling in Record Stores was MUNDI DIALECT. I can still remember as a 14 Year old going to the Record Store across the street from Miracle Center on Coral Way, looking through the Hip Hop section and seeing the Wax for ILL BEHAVIOR & BIG DREAMS. When I moved to Kendall in 96, ADIAC was a name that was spoken with respect around THE AVE as a Local God Level MC. Not only a pioneer, and beast on the mic and stage, but he was also a natural mentor, influencing and inspiring all those who worked in proximity to him. NORTH STAR of NORTH AND AGONY names ADIAC as one of his earliest inspirations, recounting how as a young teen living down the block from ADI, he would chill in ADIACS living room where he had his huge speakers and turntables and just sitting there for hours, in awe as ADIAC Cut Records and spit rhymes, practicing his material. Fast Forward to the New Millennium, and ADIAC has always stayed involved in the South Florida Music Scene. Now as part of Miami’s Rock/Rap/Latin Soul Fusion band NATURS FURY, he has far outgrown the title of just Hip Hop MC and has grown into his full form of Master of Ceremony. Singing, Playing Instruments, Rapping of course and just lifting the crowd with his infectious energy, whether it by live or on record. Their latest single is really a Remaster of a NATURES FURY Classic COME MY WAY, and the Energy is all their. This is a Night on South Beach or in Wynwood. This is a day at Calle Ocho. This is a Hurricanes Game with the Home team spanking the opps. This is a Noche Buena with congas playing in the background til 6am. This is Miami Soul all wrapped into one song Produced by Legendary Kendall Producer NICK FURY of LIQUID SHIELD PRODUCTIONS and Played by Nick and the NATURES FURY BAND. We are treated in the video by a great guest appearance by NATION ON DOPE Spit Soldier VICIOUS VOID flexing his B-Boy Skills on the Metro Mover Platform. I’m telling you, if I moved to another state, this video would make me homesick, and living in Miami, it just fills me with pride. Press Play and COME MY WAY.
Rezsin- Thought I Was Your Favorite
Speaking of NATION ON DOPE, The Nephilim King of the NOD Squad REZSIN is almost ready to release the flood gates on the world. He has been in heavy recording mode for the past year, sharing his writing and recording sessions on his IG Story daily, building mad anticipation for multiple projects. Check his latest visuals for THOUGHT I WAS YOUR FAVORITE and start getting your pallet ready for the unique flavor REZ brings to the So Flow Buffet. Look out for his upcoming Solo Album and Group Album with VICOUS VOID under the duo name of FOUL PLAGUE.
KXNG CROOKED, Canibus & DJ Pain 1 – Aluminum Oxide (Mithril Oreder)
CROOKED I and CANIBUS talking Financial Systems crumbling and Crypto Currency. Tell me I don’t bless yall. Get ready for the end yall, get your Doge coins while you can.

TUNE IN TO WDDH RADIO PODCAST EVERY SUNDAY ON SOUNDCLOUD For the Best in South Florida Hip Hop History and Hits
Sxint Chris – Roaring 20’s
From Sxint Chris new album “Roaring 20’s” produced by Arkin Sxint Chris delivers his first work of 2021 with this new album, “Roaring 20’s”. This project serves as a reflection of the chaotic 2020’s so far, paying homage to the 1920’s Harlem Renaissance Movement. Chris stays true to his lyrical & family roots, giving the audience something to think on – this time over Arkin-produced, jazz-laced beats.
Daniel Son x Cuns – DOJO (New Full EP)
Last night we had JOHN JIGG$ on the show and we talked briefly about his debut album TEFLON JOHN which was produced by CUNS. Well, unbeknownst to me, CUNS was getting to drop some brand new fire with another JOHN JIGG$ Affiliate DANIEL SON. The 4 track DOJO makes up for its length with its ferocity. Featuring A.G. of D.I.T.C., LORD JAH-MONTE OGBON, and ETO, DOJO hits like Bruce Lees 5 Inch Punch to the Chest.
I already did a small write up on the album on Wednesday, but JOHN JIGG$ was a fantastic guest so I’m proud to share his new album with Producer BP, THE MADNESS again today. Make sure yall enjoy this shit from end to end like a Raw Cone of some Exotics. Remember, if you cop and download his album online, take a screen shot and tag @johnjigg$ on IG, and his label MONOPOLY MONEY MUSIC will send you guys a physical copy once they press them up next month. I know I’m coping mine.