New Hip Hop to set your Weekend Off Right.
What a week of trials it has been for #WVCCRadio. Had 2 Youtube Channels disabled by the Machine, over a years worth of Hip Hop Playlist gone, The whole Playlist I had been working on for the upcoming Kendall vs Hialeah Battle wiped out, and we lost all the Interviews we had loaded and are being blocked from loading any more interviews. Sheeeesh. Can’t a brother just share good music with his community? Silver Lining: We were at least able to drop Write Up’s for both MICHELANGELO‘s THESE LIL PIGGIES, and GONE by SALAZAR EL TABAQUERO feat NORTH & AGONY this week. Both Articles got mad views and great feedback, GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN is actually our most viewed write up to date, so the week wasn’t a total loss. As the age old adages go, “The show must go on” and “Real Hip Hop Don’t Stop”. So here is the Hottest New Hip Hop to get you through the weekend. Never forget who keeps you supplied with that Dope Shit.
As my Daddy and Queen Latifah would say…Lady’s First. RhymeSayers’s camp Queen MC, SA-ROC has blessed us with THE SHARECROPPERS DAUGHTER, a full album produced entirely by A-Town beat beast SOL MESSIAH, with the exception of 1 cut “DELIVERENCE” Produced by Evidence and Al B Smoov . Not only is the album produced as beautifully as this Sisters Features, but the Lyrics and Content are as Hard, Gritty and Informed as her Soul. And, while Sa-Roc’s crafty wordplay, razor-sharp delivery and exceptional writing are the prominent highlight, this undeniable quality is only further enhanced by stellar guest performances from a small, but formidable, all-star cast of guests, including Saul Williams, Styles P, Ledisi, Chronixx, and Black Thought. If you on some “I don’t listen to Female Rappers” tip, you’re going to miss out on some fire hip hop right here. Sleep Less.
If you vibe with the album, be sure to set a reminder for the Live Listening Party with the Queen tonight at 9pm.
Holy Shit!!! I almost forgot to add this new Gem from Miami’s Most decelerated Indie MC. The Big Homie WREKONIZE is getting deep in the lyrical and visual department on HIGH WATER, the new video off of his PRESSURE POINT – MERIDIAN 2 Project. If you haven’t taken the trip up “Meridian Mountain” to PRESSURE POINT (Wreko’s 3 EP Project of 2020), Fall is a fantastic season for hiking. Make sure you take it all in along with the 3 EP Series from band mate BERNZ, SORRY FOR THE MESS 1, 2 & 3, before the two combine again by years end for the 2020 MAYDAY RELEASE. For now…enjoy your time at the amusement park and throw some soft balls at “Billy Baggens” the Dunk Tank Clown. Don’t get offended by the smack he talks back at you tho. It Hurts cuz its True.
Now this is neither brand new ( Dropped in June) nor Hip Hop ( sue me), but after the week I had I needed some new KHRUANGBING in my life, and this album had gone completely under my radar. If you are not familiar with the 3 person folk funk group, trust me, your favorite producer is and probably has sampled them multiple times. MORDECHI is another great listen from the small indie band that makes music to trip and travel through time and space to. If you have had a hard week, or just need some music to relax and chill to, this is worth your time.

This album dropped last Saturday, just missing our Friday Fresh Produce article last week, but it has been on repeat all week in my house so its still the Hottest Album of the Week #IMO. At the beginning of September, Miami sojourner ART MORERA said “Good Bye” to us on I WAS HERE (an album some are calling So Flo Hip Hop AOTY 2020). Only to bring the slap to the face back in a back hand that screams HELLO!! in his new album TIME AWAY. Where I WAS HERE was more of a Dark / Melancholy Vibe, like a long drive down a dark Highway in the Wee Hours of the night, TIME AWAY is like driving cross country with your best buddy, through good and bad weather, but with a Dream and Purpose that keeps the passing scenery looking beautiful and memorable. Both arms totally written, produced, and engineered by Mr. Morera. ART says about his latest musical account of his journey cross country, “Too many people to thank for their contributions, words of encouragement and criticism, forgiving me and accepting me as I am for what I am and for what I am capable of. To every individual I have either disappointed or hurt in any way, may God bless you. I started working on Time Away in September, 2016. Almost 4 years to the day, it’s here.” This album is going to take more than 1 spin, so make sure you copp it, download it and let it ride through out the weekend. Thank us in the comments.


I make no apologies when introducing my audience to New Raw Talent, especially if they are from our own back yard, and double especially if they are family of the #SOFLOWMEDIAGANG #SFMG. The first time I was introduced to TRAVIS ROIG was on The HUMAN SUSHI PODCAST where he and his hilarious and beautiful wife, Miami Comedian Pauly McPaulerson sat down with our Sushi Hero’s Rene and Dre on of their earlier episodes (Pre Youtube Video Era). Since then I have become a rabid fan of Travis Roig’s other venture, the ode to Horror/ Suspense Radio Shows of yesteryear, TERROR ON THE AIR, where he writes, directs and produces short horror skits in the style of the Suspense Thriller Shows of the early 20th Century and streams them on YouTube for our masochistic enjoyment. This album tho, is Night and Day to the terror he conjures on his podcast. Part Folk, Part Grunge, Part Beatles, Part Synth 80’s Retro, but completely soulful, artfully creative, and beautiful in its musicality and honesty. TRAVIS ROIG has taken us all by surprise and provided us with a great album to listen to with your better half on long rides this weekend, or stories to scare the shit out of you and get you in the mood for Halloween this month. Either way…get familiar with Trav, #ForSureForSure.

Ok Ok Okayyyyyy!!! Back to the reason you come to this Blog for weekly. That shit to make your face contort. Ayoooooo!!! The Fly God is back and he might have outdone what many have as Album of the Year (Not me, but some) Pray for Paris. WHO MADE THE SUNSHINE got so many dope Features, you know Shady Aftermath did not give a fuck about breaking the budget on this album. Of course the usual suspects of Benny and Conway are blessing the project on the album opener The Butcher and The Blade and closer 98 Sabers, but he is also trading bars and harmonies with BLACK THOUGHT, BOLDY JAMES, JADAKISS, ARMANI CEASER, KEISHA PLUM, ESTEE NACK, STOVE GOD COOK, SMOKE DZA, And HIP HOP Royalty SLICK RICK & BUSTA RHYMES. If this is really WSG’s final album, he left us with a Classic. Cover Art by his Daughter West Side Poody. Respect!
Smoke DZA – “Homegrown”
Sometimes you don’t have to say much, just let the music speak to your soul for itself. This is a time such as that. SMOKE DZA’s forthcoming album, “Homegrown” brings it back to his roots. As a staple in NYC and the weed community, the release both celebrates and speaks to the correlation that exists between DZA and your neighborhood grocer. Check out this line up features tho…Features from Jim Jones, Cam’ron, JadaKiss, Flip Dinero, Wiz Khalifa, Big KRIT, Currensy, Dom Kennedy, New comer Jack Harlowe, Jay305 and more. Roll one up worthy of the half hour you gonna put into this album and enjoy the vibes.

The Filth & Dirty Doe – OPUS
The Shaman of Debauchery are back from the sewers of Miami’s Underground to collect heads. Whether that actually means make new fans or decapitating haters is neither here nor there. Just know that this is a crew you want as friends, not the ones you want on the opposite side of the battle lines. THE FILTH & DIRTY DOE have been gradually flooding the scene & IG with videos of their Singles, their live recording sessions with the rest of the AWAKENED BEINGS Crew, & their Rants ( You have got to follow Dirty Doe Records and MIYAYO Radio on IG, and enjoy his Hilarious Antix & Raw Hip Hop content). Now they curse us with the OPUS, a hard core, no fucks given boom bap banger warning heads that if all they worried about is the “Rona”, they leaving a huge blind spot that could send them straight to the Coroner. OJO.
ALL TIME MANAGEMENT CEO & Artist EDDIE NICE just blessed us with an exclusive. His new single CLAP FOR ME, is just another example that there are serious Spitters in #SoFlow (South Florida). The penmanship on “Clap For Me” is superb and NICE’s delivery glides effortlessly over the originally played and flipped Look of Love Sample (There is another familiar sample that he had replayed in there, beginning of the 2nd verse, let me know if you recognize it in the Comments. ) All the joints that ALL TIME MANAGEMENT has blessed us with have been undeniable Fire. We look forward to the music they have in store for us in the future. You can be sure you will be hearing it on #WVCCRadio.

Flee Lord – Lord Talk Trilogy
The Onslaught from North Rockaway Queens goblin FLEE LORD continues. This brother has been dropping at least an album a month, if not an album a week all of 2020. If you thought your work ethic was crazy, it pales in comparison to the man known as Fleeago Delgado. Produced by godBLESSbeatz , LORD TALK 3 features some solid features from new Trust Gang recruit RANSOM and long time partner ETO. This is another solid project from Lord FLEE who is proving he is pretty automatic with the releases, the homie just does not miss. Rumor is he got another album on deck already! LORD LORD!!!

First …Click This Link –
G Fam Black & UglyJon have joined forces to go home invading for the Halloween Season. The album title says it all. No deep esoteric meaning needed. KILL… a simple Order that they have no problem following. They were made for this type of work. If you still aint familiar with G FAM BLACK stop hiding under that rock. I know he is intimidating, but he’s really a nice guy when you get to know him. No He’s Not…I Lied. If you listened to any of the number of albums and mixtapes he has dropped in 2020 alone, you would already know this is a monster you don’t want to be in the same nightmare with. UGLYJON makes sure you wont sleep easy with the productions he lays down, and underground savages Chuck Chan, General Back Pain and P-Ro make an appearance on HIDEOUS. Press Play, but not before you recite a couple of prayers for your soul.

Here’s another album that didnt make the Fresh Friday Produce last week, but sure deserved to. Better Late than never no?? Bronson Baklava is back baby. After losing some weight and learning to speak Dolphin, the Eastern European Cook turned MC turned Ancient Astronomer has returned with ONLY FOR DOPLHINS, a freshly produced project packed to the brim with the excellent wordcrobatics that you would expect from Bronsalino. Take a swim with the Half Man Half Porpoise before Summer is all gone.

So Flow Family ARTISAN P will always have a home in South Florida and a right to claim #SOFlow even if he has been living up in Tallahassee for over a decade now. The MC who has dropped a number of projects with “South Miami Boom Bap King” DJ PROOF, follows his World is Yours single he dropped in August with the complete LP “HOW WE KEPT ON”. P shows us how has he has been leveling up since we last heard him over the DJ Proof Productions which take up most of the album, with a few exceptions produced by Mondrian Loops and Miami’s own Baked Plissken of NOD Crew. Tracks like “TROUBLE COMES” remind us why we love this Hip Hop genre so much, and how the music has been a major factor in HOW WE KEPT ON during the hardest of times. I hope this album gives you some hope and positive vibes to get you through any hard times that rear their ugly head this weekend.

Well there is another Article in the books. Alot of great Hop on this weeks playlist, hope you take the time this weekend to enjoy it all. If your interested in getting your music reviewed or write up, please follow me on IG @8ch2Owens and hit the DM.
Don’t forget to tune in Tuesdays and Thursday on 9-12 Midnight EST for the best in Indie and Underground Hip Hop and make it a point to be at the next Cipher In the Circle 10/19. Please bring your A Game. We will smoke you and will not apologize for it.
8ch-Vice City Cypher / WVCCRadio