New Hip Hop to set your Weekend Off Right.
Happy DOOM Year fellow 88ers. It’s been a long time, sorry I left you/ Without some New Music Reviews to check through. As most of you know by now, your boy had some Medical Issues he had to take care of which required me to disconnect for a little. Not to worry, I am recovering well and in high spirits, making the necessary changes needed to improve my health and stay out of the ER. Fuck it sucks to get old, but the alternative isn’t any better. With that fact stated, I would like to take a quick minute to send my deep condolences to all those who lost a loved one this past year, or in the beginning of 2021. My family and I are presently mourning the loss of my Cousin, BARBIE BAEZ, who transitioned from this plane yesterday. Concentrating on this article today has not been easy, but if my cousin and I shared anything in common, it was our Love for Raw Hip Hop and building up/ serving our Local Community. I dedicate this week’s FRIDAY FRESH to you “Prima”. May you travel in Peace and Courage. To the rest of us still serving our life sentences, here some new Hip Hop to get us through the Weekend.
If you tuned into #WVCCRadio last night you were treated to a night in honor of the #BarGawd PHAROAHE MONCH, as we prepared for the release of his new album with his band TH1RT3EN: A MAGNIFICENT DAY FOR AN EXORCISM. After 3 Hours of playing the best of P MONCH, we streamed this album in its entirety. It was amazing upon first listen, and today its even better with fresh ears. The Trio of PHAROAHE, Drummer DARU JONES (White Stripes), and Guitarist MARCUS MACHADO have summoned forth a monster from the underworld of Hip Hop/Rock with the soul purpose of ripping your face off. The dark, haunted soundscape conjured on each of the 13 Tracks by these Warlocks is not only unsettling but exhilarating at the same time. As a life long fan of “Mr. Monchichi”, I can honestly say this is the best Pharoahe Pen I have ever heard. The Gawd has reached his “Final Form” and its not all that Godly. He loses his mind and forces the listener to lose theirs on tracks like the Oboe driven album opener CULT 45, The OCD inducing TRISKADEKAPHOBIA (The fear of the Number 13), the Wizard Of Oz scheme fest SCARECROW or the story of the school shooting anti-hero THE MAGICIAN where Monch shows exactly why Marshal Mathers mentions this man as one of his inspiration on his song RAP GOD. I can just imagine Em, Royce, and Crook listening to this album, loosing their minds, and texting eachother like, “You Hearing This Shit?” In explaining the dark concept behind the album, the band shares that “after the 5 years that we have had in this country, it seems like a good time for an Exorcism, a cleansing.” Pharoahe Monch said in another interview that he tried the Conscious, Positive Rap, Love will overcome all route already….these times seem to call for something more violent and angry….some action. You can feel that energy on FIGHT Featuring Cali Legends CYPRESS HILL, KILL AM ALL AGAIN, and the ballsy dare to the cancel culture, RACIST where Pharoahe unapologetically gives voice to the worst, most ignorant thoughts that have certainly gone through most minds, especially those who have stopped trying to sensor them. Even the songs where the Music doesnt seem to meet the mark perfectly (OXYGEN) are salvaged by what Pharoahe brings to the table with his word play and story telling talent. The album ends with a rollercoaster of a Stadium Anthem, KILL KILL KILL, that I look forward to experiencing live and possibly slamdancing to one day. A bold deceleration that whatever we as an oppressed people dish back out to this crooked system in the form in the form of Rebellion is a direct result of how they poorly treated us. They made us into these Killers. Its a call to Break Shit, yes….but afterwards it is a peaceful, beautiful reminder that after we tear this bitch down, we are also powerful enough to build it back better, if we work together. We might have our 1st AOTY Candidate here….what say you? Let us know.
Them 305 Strange Boys are back and right on time! Miami’s Heroes of Indie Hip Hop, MAYDAY spent 2020 working on their own 3 Part Solo EP series which evolved into Solo LP’s, SORRY FOR THE MESS & PRESSURE POINT. Well hear they are with their 3rd installment to their Group EP Series MINUTE TO MIDNIGHT 00:59. Full of the energy, flawless lyric work, melodies and honesty you have come to expect from BERNZ & WREK. The 3rd Band Member NONMS shines like a Super Nova on Percussion’s, providing that vibe that would get any crowd up on their feet to cut a rug, even if it is 6 feet apart from the next fan. Even tho the title of the project sounds like yet another prediction of more doom and gloom to come, the guys turn the subject matter of the project to more personal matters. Each talking their own truth about the human experience, and how us failing each other as human beings will probably be what leads to the actual end of humanity. Be good to each other in the little time we have left, and be good to yourself and hit play. You’ll thank yourself.

The Benchwarmers Clique & 6 Cardinal- Traffic In Turin [prod. La Runa]
This is FAM FAM right here. THE BENCHWARMERS CLIQUE (TRAVISTY The Lazy MC, JOKA WILD) & 6 CARDINAL have joined forces and blessed us with an EP that has alot of muscle in a little frame, sort of like a Mini Cooper. THE ITALIAN JOB is their new joint project and if finds these Broward Bar Bullies doing what they do best, smacking respect into the mouth of anyone who thinks that Broward Hip Hop only sounds like Kodak Black or Slump God. Check out the visuals for their single TRAFFIC IN TURIN above, then take the whole project for a spin in the link below. Parallel Parking this bitch is a breeze.


STEP 1. Click The Link Below to hear album while you read —-
The Raw Dog Sewage Rappers are back, this time shape shifting into an entirely new entity. Westchester Miami Horror Fiend EVAIZE, New Comer MCKXXNA, and Kendall Producer of Pain BAKED PLISSKIN have teamed up as ACID BARRELS, and cooked up a BREAKING BAD Homage EP in their RV, which they are now pushing on the streets and online like some Top Shelf Meth. And Fuck is it addictive. Only 5 tracks deep, the project hits you hard and quick like a hit of Free Base. Heavily laced with samples from the hit TMC Series, DARK TERRITORY: A BREAKING BAD REFLECTIVE will make any fan of the show geek out, and anyone who has never seen episode run to their Netflix to find out what they have been missing. Some fire features from RAW DOG SEWEGE RAT, TRPL-Z, and BAKED PLISSKEN steals the show with an insane verse on the heart felt HERMANOS. Even though its the only song you hear BAKED spitting on on the album, Every beat is perfectly produced by the beat smith who is quickly becoming the grimiest sound provider to come out of South Miami in a minute. Once again, ACID BARRELS is just one tentacle of a much larger Monster that is dwelling in the sewers of South Florida. Get familiar with them and follow the slime back to the source if you want more of that Raw Shit.

Tones – Distract [prod. by DJ Matty Lite]
The Homie from “The GO”, by way of “Bean Town”, Producer/DJ Matty Lite keeps blessing us with bangers. Last year Matt shot us several exclusives from PRIME PROLIFIK from Boston MA, and TONES from NY to premier on #WVCCRadio. Not a single one disappointed. Now He and TONES are back at it, and keeping their Batting Average over 100 when working together. The new piano driven DISTRACT brings us TONES conducting a refresher course on what it means to be “TRUE” and “REAL”. These Fake motherfuckers need constant reminding. Chock full of life lessons and quotables, TONES doesnt hold his tongue for no one. As I bump the joint for the 3rd time I cant help wonder who the fuck he is putting on blast? Point um out TONES!! Engineered by Scott Stallone, the record has that official single feel. With 3 singles under their belt as a unit so far, its our hope to hear a full project from TONES & LITE in the near future.
Sound the Trumpets!! Two of the Hardest Working Hip Hop Hustlers in South Dade are back in 2021 to continue their Audio Graffiti Bombing Spree. DIRTY DOE & THE FILTH of AWAKENED BEING MUSIC return with RED TRUMPETS. A filthy slow tempo banger produced by 5 FINGAZ, which DOE and THE FILTH take turns raping. Their D.Y.I. Gorilla Video work gives the single an even grimier feel, making the whole experience something akin to the first time you heard HEAVY MENTAL by Killah Priest or FUNK KRUSHER PLUS by Co Flow. These two could give a fuck what you think about their sound, their cadence or their visuals. They do this shit for the Love of the Art, the Love of the Culture, and their Own Self Respect. They aint looking to impress anyone, but still manage to impress us more with every release.

THE BIG S.O.B. (One Tuff Puppy 2) Battle Beats.

STEP 1. Click The Link Below to hear album while you read —-
My dude from New Mexico, MC/ Producer Neight Larcen has been putting in the tough work for years now, not only holding up an impressive standard for Bars and Delivery, but also providing sonics for hungry MC’s across the map. As a member of the MC Super Crew HECATOMB (Founded by Super MC/BeatBoxer, CARNAGE THE EXECUTIONER), Neight (pronounced NATE) has managed to surround himself with the caliber of Peers that will not let him slide on half-assing the development of any of his skills. This has resulted in a discography of top quality of Hip Hop, and a seemingly endless amount of banging beats. In 2020, Neight decided to use the Quarantine to throw his hat in the ring for some weekly Online Producer Beat Battles. He says the whole process taught him alot, especially when battling international Producers and having his beats played for a Global Crowd. Always the humble brother, Neight shared with me that even though he lost a lot of the rounds, what he gained in experience and contacts was worth more than a Trophy or Cash Prize. One of the many reasons we fux with this brother. Check out his new Beat Tap, THE BIG SOB: ONE TUFF PUPPY 2 (Battle Beats), and get a taste of what he brings to the table on the pads. Hopefully you will follow his lead, work the angles and connect with him to make some timeless music for the year to come. I personally know he is always down to build and an awesome brother create with. Give him a follow on FB at
Real Young Juice & Hyde – FREE SPIRIT
The Young Homies from Broward County, REAL YOUNG JUICE & HYDE have brought us a little gift to help get our mood right for the weekend. A little dity that goes great with a thermos of Magic Mushroom Tea and a walk on the beach. After the news of the passing of my Cousin last night, hearing this song this morning lightened my mood, and helped me appreciate the times I had shared with her instead of feeling guilty for all the time I didn’t get to share with her. This is exactly the kind of song I would have shared on my FaceBook Page and she would have come behind me and shared it with all her friends. She would have loved this song. I’ll be playing it all weekend in hopes that if sounds waves travel into the spirit plane, she could feel the vibe as her Spirit goes Free.

Dedicated to BARBARA BAEZ
You lived life to the fullest, ever since you were young you were unstoppable & Untamable. Always the Rebel, Always the Hard Rock with a Heart of Gold. Forgive me for all the times I took our conversations for granted. Forgive me for not being around more just to talk, laugh and bond. I can’t believe I wasted these last years trying to act “Mature, and Respectable” around you in hopes of being a better influence, instead of just being myself around you (we were the same Hip Hop Loving, Street Raised Kids just trying to learn to Adult correctly) and loving you fully, rough edges and all. I envy you for how Proud you were to be you. The strong, loud, unapologetic way you carried yourself, not giving a shit about what anyone thought, but always caring immensely about your friends and family. Your life was cut way too short Prima, and it was never that easy, but you made it count. You touched countless souls, some of which No One would have ever given an opportunity to. You shared your faith with people most people would be scared to talk to, always seeing the best in people, always believing in people’s ability to turn their life around with God’s help and find some redemption. You were a fountain of Ideas, you were a hustler, you were a dreamer with huge ambitions who suffered from the same procrastination that trips us all up, but it never stopped you from thinking big. Thank you for always believing in me, thank you for being the only Family Member who saw my vision for my Promotions Company and supported my Radio Show and music. You supported and shared any music I would drop and always asked me for more. I took it for granted. I will remember your smile, your wild laugh, and your thug girl savage swag whenever life gets tough and tries to bring me down, and I will pull strength from your memory and the courage you always showed. Love You Primita. To my Family Near and Far, and to all of Barbies friends from all walks of life; My heart breaks with yours, my tears flow with yours, we mourn together. Let us together lift her soul up, Remember her with Love, and send her beautiful Energy back to her Creator in Peace. Be brave my little Sister, Transition in Power and Peace. Love you always,
Your Big Cuz – Rudy