MRLNRECORDS knows when to tap on the breaks and he does so brilliantly on SABOR DULCE where J sounds great “Taking Shits in Italian Minks” over the down tempo lo fi vibe. SHADOW LEAGUE Songstress ARI LU encants a mesmerizing vocal spell that instantly makes this a song you can play while you riding with your lady. ESTEBANG comes in on the second verse speaking pure vision manifestation, “I make the door, I break it down, I’m coming in/ I’m the Cure for the World, man I’m the Vitamin/”. The verse is full of self affirmation and ends with the question, “with a whole squad that’s just as focused, how can they Not win?”. Big J steps in at the end of the joint, right when your making out with your girl over the hook, just to remind you that this album ain’t no Bitch Shit! “Love to my people and my fans, Fuck you If you ain’t with me.” That’s when the all hell breaks loose. The SHADOW LEAGUE meets the GOAT FARM on MONTREAL SCREWJOB as J passes the 2nd verse to SHOTTIE “to leave its name on the tomb”. SHOTTIE does what SHOTTIE does, playing with his food like “You may not see it but its incubating/ Throwing out subliminals, everytime you touch the ink, you baiting/ Fishing for a response/ I feel like I respawned/ so deep in hell that I could reach SPAWN/”. It’s great to see Miami’s best with Miami’s New hungry up and comers who are making a serious name for themselves. It shows the sense of Community we have in these scene, but don’t get it twisted, SHOTTIE wouldn’t be on this record if he didn’t fuck with BIG J’s Movement. This one should definitely see spins on all the Indie Hip Hip platforms. CLOSING CREDITS is another Verse Volly that DJs need to have on Rotation as BIJ J & SCRUE HEFNER go verse for verse over a beat that SCRUE says sounds like movie credits.

Written by 8ch2Owens
Vice City Cypher, WVCC Radio, PROFRESH Publicty. With over 20 Years in South Florida’s Hip Hop Scene 8ch2Owens has carved his name into the Miami Hip Hop history books, and now uses his talents to promote the best in South Florida Indie Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop from around the globe.