From New Jersey to the 305, Bundy Goodz has found a way to Rise Above his Circumstances & Reinvent himself time after time.
Where would we all be without a 2nd chance at life? As humans we are constantly faced with our imperfections. We let one another down, and fail ourselves more often than we care to admit. In Hip Hop we are taught to wear a suit of armor that makes us look impeccable. Flossing and Flexing are a must, its all about image and branding, and no one respects the image of someone who is flawed. The truth however is that it’s all just a facade. We are all less than perfect, and once you reach a certain age, life has put you through so much that we are all a little broken. Hence, the need for redemption. We all need a chance to correct our mistakes rather than ignore them. To bathe ourselves once we have made a mess of things. To be better than we were at our weakest point, and to level up and rise above the difficult circumstances we often create for ourselves. South Florida Bar Chef BUNDY GOODZ is familiar with the need for redemption, hence the title of his New Album, THE LAZARUS EFFECT. One listen is all it takes to know he is making the most of his 2nd chance.
We were first introduced to the MC known as BUNDY GOODZ around 2010 when you could find him rocking stages with one of Miami’s hypest Live Hip Hop Bands, YMF ( Your Moms Favorite). #WVCCRadio chopped it up with the spitter who comes to us by way of New Jersey to get you some insight on his banging new album THE LAZARUZ EFFECT and the 411 on him as a creative. Press play on the link above and enjoy the album as you get familiar with the Artist.
Born and Raised in Union City NJ, the son of a Cuban Father and Puerto Rican Mother, Bundy started spitting at the age of 13. Influenced by a crew on his block called RAPAMATIC, Bundy started Battling anyone who thought they had skills in his Project. Sharpening his skills and making a name for himself through these sidewalk battles, Bundy jumped on a few mixtapes, but admits he never got too serious about his craft until he came to Miami. “Honestly, other than jumping on mixtapes, I never created a project of my own. Was to busy in the streets hustling.”

“It was more like battling cats coming to the block trying to make a name for themselves.. and I was on a bunch of mixtapes, but never made my own project. I was to busy in the streets hustling“
WVCCRadio: When did you land in Miami, and what area did you move to? How long did it take you to get connected to the Hip Hop Scene when you moved down to FL?
Bundy Goodz: I was 22. I moved to Kendall. It took me a couple months. I met D.U.Ivan and his first words were “you rap?”…lol…and we started vibing from there.
WVCCRadio: When did you officially get down with Your Moms Favorite and how was that experience for you being in a group for the first time?
Bundy Goodz: Well I moved back to jersey for a year and when I came back I linked with your mom’s favorite. It was a dope experience. Performing with a live band really helped me with my stage presence
WVCC: You start off the Album with the words “WHEN I WAS LOCKED IN THE FEDS I NEGLECTED THE MIC / SO I’M A WRITE A SONG A DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE….” How long were you locked up for? Where at? Anything you would like to share with the audience regarding that experience?
Bundy: I was locked up for three years . From Broward county to Atlanta and finally landed in Estill South Carolina where I did most of my time. It was kind of scary in the beginning not knowing why the US Marshalls are looking for you and not knowing why you are being indicted. But it was a a blessing in disguise because the way I was living wasn’t right . That experience allowed me to really think about my life and how I wanted to live it. I met alot of good people and fellow artist along the way who inspired me to keep making music.
WVCC: Tell us about the motivation behind track 2: Cant Knock The Hustle.
Bundy: Well first off when I heard that beat produced by Kofi Cooks with that Mary J Blige sample I was immediately intrigued. That was a classic song for me growing up and I knew I had to go in. #BREAD BARS..LOL…then I put my bro Mesa on there, a fellow jersey rapper who is killing the game right now and The rest was history.
WVCC: You have a bar in that song which I can never understand the reference. “I need that Stack, the Way the Feens need that Crack / And you allergic to bread like that silly ?? What is it that you say there and whats the reference?
Bundy: The bar is “like that celiac”. Celiac disease are people who are allergic to glutton. They can’t have bread or anything that contains flour.
WVCC: Damnnn… #BREADBARS for real.

WVCC: Lets talk ALL IN….Holy shit this shit is crack. Tell us about the message behind the track and your connection with DROZE. He kills that hook and the harmonies through out the song.
Bundy: Well throughout my life I’ve ways been on and off with music because I was always in the streets, that’s how I made money. But with “All In” I’m basically saying that from now on I’m All in with this music shit. I originally wrote the hook to sing it myself but knew that I couldn’t bring that dynamic I was looking for without a soulful voice. Thats when Droze came in to play. I met him during the YMF days and knew he had an amazing voice. He usually does alot of EDM, but deep down his sound is RnB Soul, so I knew getting on him this song with me would be a good look for him and I’m glad he did.. one of many more to come.
WVCC: LAZARUS EFFECT the Single. Tell us about that Voice Message that opens the track and what was the mind frame when penning this gem. Did you know from the get it would be the Title Track of the album?
Bundy: The Lazaruz Effect was produced by Young Devante, the beat samples La Roux “Going in For The Kill” which has been done many times before but he flipped it nasty. I originally wrote that without the beat, and when I heard that beat it was over I was like this is the Lazaruz Effect . That second verse is one of my favorite verses I ever wrote. And I put my P.O. in the beginning because I needed the world to know and understand that my life is real..
WVCC: ILLUMINATION: When you said you were thinking of singing the hook on ALL IN I was skeptical, but then Illumination comes in and I’m like…Hold Up. Goodz got an “Everlast/ Blues Singer” vibe going on here. You ever fuck with any singing in the past? Who are some vocalist who have inspired you and help you find your range? Also, the Message behind Illumination is serious. Where did that vocal sample come from and what are your thoughts on the subject?
Bundy: Well nate dogg for sure is someone who inspired me to do hooks, and start singing. I also loved Barry White and Issac Hayes, the way they sound on a track. I knew that I had a voice and through certain vocal tones I can sing but never really had a chance to show it. When I heard the beat for Illumination I immediately thought interlude. Then created the melody and wrote the lyrics for it. I always been intrigued about conspiracy theories and The Illuminati, and especially how it crept into hip hop. I always admired Prodigy for the way he always spoke about it so I knew I needed to throw him on the track . Its an interview I found of him that was perfect.
WVCC: This 1800 Suicidal Thoooooo. Oooooffff. With Mental Health, Suicide, and Self Care being such hot topics in our generation, can you give the audience a look into the head space you had to get into to write this song?
Bundy: Well I feel that we all suffer from depression in some way shape or form . When I heard the hook on this banger produced by BLISS, I immediately felt the pain from it and the words “don’t make me do it”.. I was like I’m gonna put myself in the shoes of someone wanting to commit suicide and being someone who’s been depressed alot in my life I knew it wouldn’t be hard. Since the first verse was so controversial I thought I would make the second one a little more uplifting and positive to give the young people going through this motivation to keep fighting.
WVCC: What do you think about the negative stigma we put on therapy and our need for Self Care rather than just Self Medication?
Bundy: I feel it varies with the person. Some people have a chemical imbalance in the brain that they need some form of medication in order to be normal. But I’m a big fan of therapy and self care and being aware. The biggest thing about depression is letting it out and therapy allows you to do so. I feel weed is a big part of helping with anxiety and Depression but that’s another convo…lol
WVCC: Cant argue with that. LOL. You have your old Partner in rhyme, 1/3 of YMF, the Superstar in the making D.U.Ivan on the next track, IF BULLETS COULD SING. Can we take a minute and give your boy his flowers? What do you think of all the moves “DUIVEE” ( as we call him around the Human Sushi Bar) has made in the past years?
Bundy: Well first off let me say that I feel D.U. Ivan is super underrated and doesn’t get enough props when it comes to spittin. Homie be going in. And nobody works harder than that guy. IF BULLETS COULD SING I wrote yearrrsss ago and thought it was a dope concept and also was one of the first songs I ever wrote. So while I was at the MIAMI BEATWAVE studios recording this banger DU Ivan was there and sprinkled that sauce on the hook and brought it to life.
WVCC: On the Album Outro you said, Its in my Soul, My Papa Sold Yay /That white girl got soul Lana Delray. I personally can relate as my mom was both a user and seller when I was growing up. Having experienced that, how did that effect you both Positively and Negatively and what are you doing to make sure you don’t repeat the cycle with your kids?
Bundy: Well when my pops approached me about all that I was already hustling and smoking weed on my own. So it was positive for me because I had my dad, someone who I loved very much willing to show me what to do and what not to do. We created a bond like no other till this day. Everything else besides that was…that environment we grew up in was tough so I know in order to break that cycle I would have to raise my kids in an environment way different then that one.
WVCC: In your own words, how would you describe the meaning of the album title, THE LAZAROUZ EFFECT?
Bundy: My personal meaning is this is the resurrection of Bundy Goodz. I’m back from the dead.
He has left his life on the block, cooking up bricks, and found a career in the kitchen, preparing delicious meals. With 12 Years as a chef under his belt, Chef Goodz describes his new life in the restaurant industry.

“It has become a passion for me. To me it is Art, its a form of expression, being able to merge flavors together and create a dish similar to an artist with a song is a a chef with a dish.”
He still got some new music on the grill as well. Working on his new project “7 Grams” as we speak. He promises to be dropping projects and Visuals back to back in the months to come. He is also venturing into the fashion industry with his own REAL EYES Clothing Line. When we asked him if there is any chance he might team up with his old Band Mates for a YMF Reunion album ( A #SoFlowHipHop fanatic can wish right?), he said he is currently focused on his solo music, but who knows what the future holds… (Yes!!! There’s Hope.) The one thing you can be sure of, BUNDY GOODZ is living his Best Life now, the 2nd go around. Thank God for 2nd Chances.
-8ch- WVCCRadio
Follow the Artist at IG @Bundy_Goodz
Spotify: Bundy Goodz
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