New Hip Hop to get you through the Weekend.
Happy Friday Fellow 88ers. Got alot of great music for you today. The Main Story of the day is its Bandcamp Friday…Artist can make a 100% of the earnings off their music today. So make sure before it hits 12 Midnight, you buy a couple of albums from your favorite local or Indie Artist. They will be getting alot more then what they get when you stream their music. And now Hypocrite 2 Oh will invite you to stream these New Indie Hip Hop Albums and Single below. Make sure you make up for it by purchasing some new music today on Bandcamp.
CZARFACE x MF DOOM – Super What?
The REBEL INS, bka INSPECTAH DECK, ESOTERIC & 7L are back as CZARFACE, and this time they have brought the Metal Faced Villain DOOM back from his freshly covered grave. SUPER WHAT? Is the New, Posthumous Colab between the CZAR and the VILLAIN, and it is everything we could have asked for from a “1 Last Hoorah” album from DECK, DOOM & ESOTERIC. All three as excellent as ever over the 7L Productions that ooze a METAL FINGAZ influence. Hearing DEL THE PHUNKY HOMOSAPIAN’s guest appearance on JASON & THE CZARGONAUTS is one of my favorite moments in the album. MANDO CALRISSIAN is a great vibe which gets progressively better each verse, and the bar starts off high with INS leading the charge, DOOM elevating the stakes on the 2nd Verse, “Stashing what he lacked in Sentiment in his Tenement” , and ESOTERIC stealing the show on the final verse as he “Goes Rambo/ Now I don’t start a fight / Freeze Him in Czarbonite, LANDO / Yall use keys, I use a Pen to Paint a VanGoh/”(loosely quoted).
Hip Hop Pioneer DMC of RUN DMC makes a quick appearance on the album opener THE KING AND EYE, reminding everyone of his Hip Hop Royalty. The album was supposed to drop at the beginning of 2020, but due to Covid it was delayed, never imagining that a year late we would be without DOOM. The Production and batch of verses last recorded by Daniel Dumile make this album a must cop. Get the Limited Edition Vinyl at GETONDOWN.COM

J.PERIOD Presents…STORY TO TELL (Chapter One)
Gather round, gather round boys and gals. J.PERIOD invites you to sit down, criss cross apple sauce steeze, and enjoy his STORY TO TELL. Narrated by the one and only DAVE CHAPPEL, this first installment of J.PERIOD Presents…STORY TO TELL opens up like them classic children’s books we used to read along with the tape, that would tell us to “TURN THE PAGE WHEN YOU HEAR THIS SOUND (Bing)”, and J.PERIOD proceeds to unravel his tale through the use of samplers, instruments, and the All Star Line Up he gathered for this “Audio Book”. On ALL IN YOUR HEAD, The G.O.A.T. BLACK THOUGHT tells the story of when “JOEL” PERIOD actually drove 9 hours to record DAVE CHAPPEL for the album. GLOBETROTTIN is a fun bop starring musical Protégé MASEGO & SHAD, who you may remember from the Netflix Series HIP HOP EVOLUTION, and who murders the 1v1 B-Ball Match Topic, which is actually based on a true story about J Period challenging Masego to a 1 on 1 ball game. The match ends and you hear the voice of Underground Hip Hop Radio Legend BOBBITO giving his commentary on the game on his way to get a drink at La Bodega on the corner. This gives way to GRAND COMBO, the scene stealer of Chapter 1, staring JOELL ORTIZ and none other than Mr. HAMILTON Himself, LIN MANUEL-MIRANDA. This song makes me proud to be of Caribbean descent, and if you from the islands you gonna probably relate. This first chapter is only 6 tracks long with 3 of them being interludes and an outro, but it sets the stage for the upcoming 2 chapters beautiful. Check this super informative article about the making of STORY TO TELL on Hip Hop DX and make sure you tap into all 3 Chapters of J.PERIODS STORY.
L’Orange & Namir Blade – Imaginary Everything (Album)
MELLO MUSIC GROUP, one of the last safe havens for Indie Hip Hop Artist has several sleeves full of tricks. One of those tricks goes by the name L’ORANGE, the eclectic producer from NC, who put out two of the illest albums in 2020 and 2019 with MARLOW 1 & 2 and a host of other solid albums on MELLO MUSIC. This time he joins forces with fellow MELLO MUSIC mate NAHMIR BLADE for IMAGENERY EVERYTHING, a fantastic blend of funk, futurama, fading dreams and multi-form shape shifting flows. For a more indepth interpretation of this audio portrait of surrealism, check out the words from the artist on their Bandcamp, and make sure to pick up a copy of the album today, where the artist will collect 100% of the Proceeds.

#WVCCRADIO #SingleFiles
Thieves – Tones (Prod. DJ MattyLite)
“MC’s are actors, they get told how to spit their verse / Characters playing people that they wish they were / You aint even got Buzz from the shit I heard / They make music but they not into Words!!” . SHOTS FIRED, SHOTS FIRED!!! TONES keeps that same energy from from the intro through the end of the new DJ MATTY LITE produced THEIVES. This is now the 5 single he has released with TONES and each one is capable of causing a neck fracture or brain hemorrhage. TONES introduces himself after the opening hook and makes it quite clear, he dont give a fuck who he’s up against. “MC Assassin, take your soul dead from Rhyming / Know when you see my quite, in my head you Dying” TONEZ states quite matter of factly over MATT LITE‘s swollen drums, filthy base line and jingling Piano Keys. Being that Bandcamp is waiving their revenue share today, I went ahead and copped all the singles off of DJ MATTY LITE’s Page. Now I finally have something close to that TONES & MATT LITE I keep begging for. Support these 2 artist as they have been putting out quality work consistently, and that deserves more than just props.
Weapon E.S.P – Bullseye Scores ft. Estee Nack, Lo Gun & Ghost of the Machine (Prod Reese Tanaka)
This past Tuesday we had the pleasure of chopping it up with the 3 Headed Monster known as GENOSHA RECORDS, Massachusetts MC’s WEAPON ESP, LO GUN, & GHOST OF THE MACHINE as we talked about ESP’s upcoming Solo Release MR. AUTOMATIC. We were blessed by the “Golden Age Colossus” with his new latest single off the new album, BULLSEYE SCORES. A savage posse cut featuring all 3 GENOSHA Titans and the Lynn Mass Bully ESTEE NACK. The 4 take turns beating the REESE TANAKA banger like 4 crooked cops on an unarmed pedestrian of color who made the mistake of yelling FUCK THE POLICE a little too loud. MR. AUTOMATIC is set to drop this coming Tuesday 5/11, but if you preorder the Vinyl or CD today, The GENOSHA Family gets 100% of the proceeds. I just preordered my Vinyl. Its a must have.
Make sure you check out the new single by GENOSHA General and the other half of the JUICE HEADZ, GHOST OF THE MACHINE, who we haven’t heard on his solo shit since the HEROES FOR HIRE series with DJ PROOF. His new gem BURKINA has been on constant rotation at #WVCCRadio since it dropped last week. I forgot to include it in last weekends bag, but I wont make that mistake twice. This shit is hot enough to play all MAY long. Press play and take that flight on the BABAYAGA produced Jumbo Jet that GHOST pilots with the expertise of Sully.

King V x Skyzoo – Lord Knows [prod. by Hanzo Bladez]
We got blessed with this silver bullet this week by our peoples at REAL RAP FAMILY. LORD KNOWS, the new single by KING V, the 5 time BET 106 & Park Freestyle Friday Champion. V takes you for a walk around his neighbor where they “PACK THINGS, OH YOU GODDAM RIGHT / FUCK AROUND THEY’LL BE A MURDER, NOT A GODDAM FIGHT” As he takes a good descriptive look at his surroundings, he realizes “I NEED TO GET AWAY / BUT I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO GO”. Real Life Rap, sometimes we grow so used to fucked up circumstances that we don’t even know what normal looks like, how to escape, or even how to act once we are out. Brooklyn Bar Master SKYZOO comes in to bless the 2nd verse and dances all over the HANZO BLADES production which is smoother than a Spring Morning on the Hudson. HANZO BLADES continues to surprise us with his range and ability to go from filthy razor blade boom bap, to beautiful introspective pieces like LORD KNOWS. This one is certain to stay on repeat all weekend. We will def have it on Rotation all May at #WVCCRadio.
¡MAYDAY! – Hard to Leave | Official Music Video
New Visuals from our So Flow Bretheren MAYDAY of STRANGE MUSIC. You can tell from the jump by the video work, musicality of the new single HARD TO LEAVE off of their recent release MINUTE TO MIDNIGHT, and their subject matter, these dudes are on a whole other level. The last 3 remaining members of a band that has gone through more changes and face lifts than CARROT TOP, are grown men now, with families, and carriers that require the most of them. On the surface this song talks to those in relationships going over troubled waters. But beneath the obvious theme of love lost, is an underlying love letter to their dreams and music carriers, that even though it might be killing them slowley, they refuse to leave behind.
Oh…one more thing…Happy Birthday Benny Baggins….I dont even think Taquila Shots anymore when I think Cinco De Mayo…I just think a creative genius and genuine Human Being was born on this day, and I have the pleasure of calling him my friend and brother in arms. Happy Bornday Wrek. Yall make sure you go to Wreks Bandcamp tonight and pick something up…Join his Patreon while your at it…thats where all the real good stuff is. ]

Newo2 – Breaking Ground
Wisconsin MC NEWO2 is ready to rise up from the Underground on his new single BREAKING GROUND. After honing his skills for the past 10 years in his local scenes of Watertown and Juneau, where there is hardly a hip hop scene to speak of, NEWO2 is ready to venture off into bigger audience pools. BREAKING GROUND is a great introductory track for the spitter as it displays NEWO2 at his grittiest. His dusty voice texture, grimey subject matter and relentless cadence make him hard to ignore and write off. This dude has something to say, and a voice thats interesting to listen to as he speaks his truth. The hook hits the nail on the head, If you aint know him before, you gonna know him now. Subscribe to his YOUTUBE so you can stay tuned to his future releases.
Mo Rukuz – Jim Morrison (Cuts Tone Spliff, Prod. Hanzo Bladez)
I told you about HANZO BLADEZ wide range of flavors on the article above. This is one of them filthy snuff scores he has become famous for. Fellow GRIMEWAV. Comrade MO RUKUZ is dropping a slew of singles as he chums the water, getting the street sharks excited for his upcoming ep THE SKUMKING. He doesn’t do this for the likes, views or fame, he does this shit for his grimeys, as he proclaims himself a “Monster on the Block Dog, Mobbing with my criminals / and I dont answer question, so Fuck your interview”. Thankfully we were able to chop it up with MO RUKUZ & HANZO BLADEZ in April, and Not only did he not send us to go fuck ourselves, but he actually blessed us with some jewels that we cant wait to share with you this week. Be on the look out for the official WCCRadio Interview with GRIME WAV dropping this week on our YouTube Channel.
Caveman Bless – Liu Kang
Hands down one of my favorite MC’s from out of #SOFLOW, CAVEMAN BLESS is back with a new single this week. LIU KANG shows BLESS in his Sharpest Spit Fighter Outfit, professing he has “BEEN ON FIRE LIKE NBA JAMS / AND SPITS FIRE LIKE THE HOMIE LIU KANG”. Not only does he spit Bars of Flame but he also drops jewels like “Sacrificing Sleep thats just part of the Risk / Breaking Bread just eat Lobster Bisque/ man I aim for the Stars and I doubt I will miss, though I might not make a Hit, at least I reached the Milky Way/ “, and “My Hearts been through so much conflict / Had alot of blessings and still feel I lost it / The Lord Giveth and he taketh away/ You think he’s removing but He’s making a way” . Dont ever get it twisted. The homie once known as Young Blesson is the farthest thing from soft or a saint, having grown up in some of the roughest hoods of Miami Gardens and Carol City. But he did just that, He Grew Up. Know he uses his life experiences to share hope with those who might not be surrounded by to much hope on the day to day. Keep spitting that Fire Like Liu Kang BLESS. We gonna keep sharing everything you drop.
J. Cole – i n t e r l u d e (Official Audio)
As you can see, Mainstream Rap dont get no special treatment here at WVCC Radio. There are plenty of Blogs covering the Pop Rap that plagues our airwaves and clouds the minds of our youth, so WVCC Radio sticks to our lane and covers the Hip Hop that dont get its hard earned props, even though its better than 90 percent of whats played on the FM Dial. However, there are a few Main Stream Artist who are worthy of being promoted to the whole world over the airwaves. J COLE is one such Artist. We are counting the days til 5/15 when THE FALL OFF ( OR OFF SEASON) is going to be dropping. Everything that has leaked so far has been stellar work from COLE and this new 1 verse tease called INTERLUDE he released yesterday doesnt fall short of the standard he has raised. Make sure you tune in next week to WVCC RADIO where we will be Streaming the New J Cole in its entirety the moment it drops.

L-Biz – Never Cry (Album)
New album from D BLOCK Affiliate L-BIZ with guest appearances by SON OF TONY, PA DRE, SNYP LIFE, JIMMY HU$TLE, and NASH BOOGIE. The beats are addictive on this project and L-BIZ shows off a well rounded pen that can do the Street Talk, Trap Talk, and Drop Gems at the same time, and still has the sense to create some incredibly catchy hooks. This dude knows how to write complete songs with substance, making this album a complete vibe to enjoy this weekend.
AJ Suede & Camoflauge Monk – A Dream Within A Dream (EP)
AJ SUEDE & CAMOFLAUGE MONK, two of my favorite names in the Underground. I promised myself last year that I would share anything that AJ SUEDE dropped, he’s just that ill, and CAMOFLAUGE MONK has had my attention since he laced up the Y K HAMILTON : TRICK DADDY KANE Album in 2019. He they are together doing what each does best on A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM. Enjoy.
Mark 4ord – Self Inflicted (New Full EP)
Another upcoming MC who I will drop anything to share their New Music right away is MARK 4ORD ( Pronounced Mark Forty, not Ford, as I spent a whole year fucking up his name on the air, forgive me). Everything this West Coast spitter drops is Gold. Last years OPIOIDS was one of the Best Sleeper albums of 2020 and the dude is pretty automatic with his projects, not only turning them out at a break neck pace, but never sacrificing quality for quantity. Make sure you give SELF INFLICTED a good listen this weekend and see for yourself why we hold MARK 4ORD in such high regards at #CyphLyfeRadio.

Before we let you go we want to invite you to join 8ch2Owens & DJ Proof on Monday Night at 10pm as they do their first Interview promoting their new album THE WATERPROOF, on BARS OVER BARS: FRONT TO BACK Live Stream hosted by HERO THE EMCEE of Boston MA. The format for this show is unique and hella entertaining. Kick it with us as we listen through THE WATERPROOF project Live and dive in deep with backstories, secrets and hidden gems about the making of the album. Make sure you follow BARS OVER BARS MEDIA on Twitch, IG, FB, and YOUTUBE. We will be streaming on all of the above on Monday.
While your at it, make sure you pick you up your copy of THE WATERPROOF on Bandcamp today so we dont have to split your hard earned money with Bandcamp.

#WVCCRadio #CyphLyfe
Underground and Indie Hip Hop Streaming Live on TWITCH.TV
Tues & Thursday (9pm – 12 Midnight EST)
Wed #LunchtimeFunkFromParis Midday Mix (Wednesdays 11am – 1pm EST)
Fri #BreakfastBarBuffet Morning Mix (Fridays 8am-10am EST)