If you grew up in the M.I.A., you know our Skyline has grown immensly since we were kids. When you drive East on the 836, aka The Dolphin Expressway, you can’t help but notice our every growing Down Town and Brickell Area being filled with even more skyscrapers. This is where the New Money in Miami lives now. The Young and Rich who keep the Miami Night Life scene pumping 7 days a week. Kendall FL Legends NORTHSTAR THE GENERAL, SHOTTIE, & MONEY MOGLY arent Rich, and they arent that Young anymore either. However, they do seem to be enjoying a different pespective than most in the South Florida Hip Hop Scene. A view from a vantage point. On their latest single, the BOGER produced TOP TIER, they sound like they looking down and spitting on their haters from a Penthouse on Biscayne Blvd.
German Prodcuer BOLGER blessed NORTH and his special invited guests with a banger of a beat that starts off with full cinamatic fanfare. MONEY MOGLY kicks off the boast fest, recounting his journey from the days of having to take “other people’s food” to eat to where he is now breaking bread with his family and comrads as he shares the fruits of his success.
” In the Goat Garm cooking chicken turning beef into stew/ turn a quickie to a drive-thru, a Z into a few/ turn a few into a whole, a whole into a pallet/ of Mary, Bricks and Bars, I had to break it with a mallet/”
“The first to set it off to remind you who you f****** with/ the wildest n***** from my crew and I am running lip/”

The “Pulp novelist with a Manson family size cold following” spitz” I moved a couple records and I was so proud of it / I’m out of sold my soul but at least I sold some product out of it/ the homies told me they want to hear some double entender’s/ I used have to double bag s***, guess I’m in the wrong genre/”
Written by 8ch2Owens
Founder of Vice City Cypher, WVCC Radio, PROFRESH Publicty. With over 20 Years in South Florida’s Hip Hop Scene 8ch2Owens has carved his name into the Miami Hip Hop history books, and now uses his talents to promote the best in South Florida Indie Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop from around the globe.