While having lunch with my 15 year old Daughter this past Sunday, I was asked the difficult question, “Daddy, what is Communism”? This is not a question that can be easily answered by any Westerner, 1st of all due to the intense scrutiny and vilification of any form of Socialism, pushed on us by our society, political leaders and education system. It is made even more difficult by the fact that mine is a family of Cuban descent, and our people have their own deep rooted hatred towards this Political Ideology, since we have witnessed it strip our people of their Property, their Resources, their Freedoms, and ultimately their homeland. I know the answer I was given when I was a curious PreTeen asking the same question. “Communism is of the Devil. An Evil Dictatorship that strips a society of their rights and goods and kills anyone who opposes it. Communism is “The Bad Guy”. As I got older I was able to do my own research and gained the understanding that not all forms of Socialism are “EVIL”, or out to screw the many for the benefit of the few. In my 20s, Socialism actually sounded like it made more sense and would be better for us as a SocioEconomic Philosophy than the Corrupt Capitalist model we were living under in the United States. However, The more years that went by, the more I saw Communism in action, and unable to live up to what it promised on paper. At least in the West, COMMUNISM did not seem to work efficiently as a way of running a country. However, I also saw that its counterpart, the ever glorified CAPITALISM, who’s banner we proudly parade in the U.S., was not working any better for the majority of U.S Citizens, especially the underprivileged and marginalized. So as I carefully shared with my daughter the Pro’s and Con’s of Communism/Socialism, I also made it clear that no matter what the TV, Mobile Device or her Teachers told her, our current model of “CAPITALISM” was also failing us.
Listen to CAPITALISM by SANDCHO here
Brookly Born Producer SANDCHO Produced one of his 2 latest Instrumental Albums as a way of disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of working to live in our Capitalist Society, hence the name of his project, CAPITALISM. The 10 Track Beat Pack, which is much more intricately constructed than a collection of Sample loops and Hook Break Downs, was SANDCHO’s way of connecting with his creative humanity after pulling long shifts in “The Matrix” of Corporate America. He explains…
“”Capitalism really just came out of the fact that I work a corporate job and so this album was built after work each day and the angst involved in the economy and gradual marginalization of labor towards AI and gigs.”
As a former producer on Underground King EL P’s DEF JUX RECORDS, SANDCHO is used to doing things the independent route, with little restraints on his creative output. If you work a day job in an office, you understand how policies and procedures can limit such freedoms and individuality (No matter how much D.E.I. is preached). Still SANDCHO has managed to separate his 9 to 5 from his personal passion so that the stiff corporate structure does not limit his musical works. You can hear this on cuts like the Industrial March “BO PEEP” which opens up the album with a sense of urgency, like an alarm clock reminding you have somewhere to “Clock In”, and you are running late. “DRUGGIST” with its piano layers, both Synth and Grand meld brilliantly with vocal sample chops that sound like a chorus of Norwegian ABBA Angels announcing the virtues of being hard working members of society. The introduction of the Saxophone half way through the beat takes it to a whole new level of Hypnotization, making sure the human cogs in the corporate wheel keep turning obediently. “FLY IN THE BUTTERMILK” buzzes its way into your ear like a piece of Anti-Immigrant Propaganda that you cannot ignore. As I listen, I can’t help but invision FOX News clips spreading fear of “The Invader” by way of misinformation and conveniently inflated facts.
One of the benefits of our Capitalist society has been the ability for SubCultures like HIP HOP to grow and flourish without having its voice and expression silenced by constant restrictions of our Human Rights. This Country is perfectly fine with you expressing yourself any way you want, as long as you earn a paycheck they can tax weekly. Maybe that’s why SANDCHO inserts the KRS ONE inspired ITS MINE in the middle of the CAPITALISM work week. He shares with us about the inspiration behind one of the hardest beats on the album.
“”IT’S MINE is also inspired by the great T La Rock. Who was dope as hell but had a really unfortunate story (worth reading up on, he wound up in a nursing home) but it’s definitely a lot of him in that song”
A little counting of the blessings of having a culture we can call our own within a Country and Government which is supposedly “For The People & By The People”, but acts like it could care less about the majority of its citizens, unless its an election year of course. SANDCHO smoothes the vibe out on the Electric Organ driven OVERSEAS BUSINESS, which is infused with “Global Music” influences. You know Merica gotta have their hands in everones business around the world, so this jazzy bop fits the CAPITALISM album theme like a white glove on a Colonizer’s hand.

The Political Theory behind Capitalism is all about the Free Market, and allowing businesses to grow without too much Government interference or restraint, and in doing so, earning profits for the business owners that would then be distributed amongst the Investors, Board Members and eventually trickle down to the working man and woman. One of the most successful Industries in North America is the Entertainment Industry, and the unrivaled King of Entertainment has been the “Gaming Industry” which currently generates more revenue than all other forms of Entertainment combined. So of course, SANDCHO had to pay homage to the Global Leader in sales which keeps the the masses comfortably distracted on “JACKPOT. Then he starts to give us a glimpse of what the Future of our Capitalist Society might look like on “BRAVE NEW WORLD”, one of the most experimental beats on the album. This joint fills me with Rastafarian Robot, Industrial Mechanized Surfer Vibes. The smoothly sung hook sample would lead you to believe that the Machines have grown a Soul. This is followed by the fully automated “PASSING OVER” which reminds me of a Digital Musical Instrument A.I. Jam Session. SANDCHO had this to say about the rise of Artificial Intelligence during our brief conversation.
” A.I, is gradually taking over all our gigs. Society is moving towards no one having a safe job except for Amazon delivery and only fans.”
This might be why the end of the album sounds like a walk through a Robotic Utopia on a sunny day. ‘FREE FOREVER” is beautiful enough to make the most emotionless mech crack a smile, while WOOLLY brings the album around full circle. This time its the Robots who are being booted up and sent back out into the workforce to keep this Country/Corporation running lie a well oiled marvel of Human Engineering. The futuristic vibes SANDCHO incorporates into this instrumental tapestry remind me of the importance of arming up my daughter and all of our children with well balanced & factual knowledge of what is going on our World today. They are the future of mankind, but unlike past generations, they are not at risk of repeating the mistakes of the past, but rather falling victim to a threat we have never encountered before, but that is a direct product of mans greed and inhumane ambition. How’s that for a definition of Capitalism?
Do not sleep on this amazing producer who now calls Southern California home. A week after releasing CAPITALISM he has returned with what could be considered a sequel Beat Tape, where the Humans start fighting back against their puppet masters, his newest Beat Collection “UNCIVILIZATION”. Listen to both CAPITALISM & UNCIVILIZATION and the rest of his disgusting discography on Spotify or your favorite streaming site.
IG – @mr_sandcho
Spotify – Sandcho
Written by 8ch2Owens
Founder of Vice City Cypher, WVCC Radio, PROFRESH Publicty. With over 20 Years in South Florida’s Hip Hop Scene 8ch2Owens has carved his name into the Miami Hip Hop history books, and now uses his talents to promote the best in South Florida Indie Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop from around the globe.