Your Audio Aspirin to fight off that Case of the Mondays
Happy Monday #WVCC Fam, Fans and Guests.
We all get hit with a “Case of the Monday’s” at the beginning of the week, so #CyphLyfeRadio/ #CyphLyfeBlog has started a weekly segment called ”MONDAY MEDICINE CABINET” where we’ll be sharing some New Releases we found over the weekend, either LP’s, EP’s or Singles that are worth the listen. We hope the music we share improves your mood on any sluggish Monday and gives you that push to conquer the week ahead. Enjoy….
8ch2Owens – Vice City Cypher / #WVCC #CyphLyfeRadio
That bed felt good this morning didn’t it? Hard to say goodbye to the Pillow? Why does our mattress feel best right before we have to leave it for the day? As a kid I built a bad habit for staying home from school, sleeping the first half of the day away. Of course, Bad Habits don’t fall away as we grow older, they grow stronger and fight us tooth and nail as we try to get rid of them (Tooth and Nails, another Bad Habit I got to work on). So my child-hood addiction to slothfulness became a detriment to my Adult employment time and time again.
This is one of many reasons why I can relate so strongly to our first entry into the Monday Meds Cabinet, AYENTEE: WANNA STAY GOTTA GO. I’m sure the smooth Jazzy, RnB vibe of the backing track and vocals has something to do with it too, not to mention Ayentee’s complete transparency as he admits that this want to stay home is not reserved only for his 9-5, but also effects his social life.
I think as we get older we can all agree that kicking it at home & saving some money is a lot more attractive than being out in the party scene wasting our hard earned cash. Dammit, if we going to leave this comfy mattress to earn a paycheck, I’ll be dammed if I’m going to spend it all making myself even more tired. Get up, Get Out and Get something, and dont forget to get familiar with Ayentee.
Ayentee Youtube Channel:
Ayentee BandCamp:
Tonight at 12 Midnight we will be blessed by the latest release by one of my favorite Producers of the New Millennium. Apollo Brown has solidified his ranking amongst Hip Hop’s greatest Beat Smiths, and has become one of the go to producers if you are tired of the Trap sound and feening for some of that good ole Boom Bap. As we wait for the release of his latest project SINCERELY DETROIT, released on Mello Music Group, we wanted to bless yall with one of his best albums ever, featuring one of the best Lyricist of all time – APOLLO BROWN x RAS KASS: BLASPHEMY. Let your mind marinate on this gem as we wait for that New New dropping tonight.
Support Apollo Brown and copp the New Project
Check the rest of his Discography:
I stumbled upon this next artist while I was searching for new Music for our #NewBlazeTuesdays show ( Streaming Live on FB @Rudy Barro – Tuesday 9-11 ) . Late at night I took a chance on a song titled simpley DOWN with the thumbnail of a shooting star through a Night Sky, and it knocked me on my ass. It Didn’t even have the Artist’s name on it. With a little research I discovered the artist HEMLOCK ERNST, and as I dug for some other music I couldnt find any other Hip Hop songs by him, but I did find a load of Folk, Blues, Acoustic Guitar music with his name all over it. Maybe It was a coincidence. The guy whose picture graced the Folk songs was a 40ish looking white dude, so I chalked it up to “Its a Small World, Two Musicians are sharing the same name again”…but such a unique name? Really? This morning I was at least blessed enough to find out that Hemlock has dropped a whole project with another unknown (at least to me) by the name of Kenny Segal. The project BACK AT THE HOUSE is a great mix of Easy Feeling Productions and Serious Penmanship. If your a fan of Sage Frances, Slug, or Aesop Rock…You will def dig this. The mystery still stands unsolved, is this the same Hemlock Ernst who plays the Acoustic and sings of heart ache?? If it is, WVCC Welcomes him with open arms as he crosses over to our beloved genre…He sure sounds like he has been doing it for years.

Many know me as 8ch2Owens the Hip Hop Show Promoter, or the Host of #WVCC #CyphLyfeRadio. However, there are fewer and fewer now a days that know that I actually started as an MC and have been rhyming in front of crowds since the age of 13. I rarely promote my own music (rather have others tell people to check me out if they are feeling my music. This may or may not be to my detriment) , but I am proud to announce that I am currently 75 percent finished with a new Project I am recording over the fantastic productions of Miami Fl’s own DJ PROOF. One of Miami’s last Boom Bap Purist in a scene full of producers who have elected to craft beats that cater to the Southern Trap style that is more prominent amongst South Florida Rappers. While searching for some new music on Sunday, I came across a video from a brother called GHOST OF THE MACHINE feat Skyzoo and produced by none other than DJ PROOF himself. I dug a little more and found out they had actually knocked out a whole project together ( This may actually be their 2nd project together, hence the title) HEROES FOR HIRE 2. I could go on and on about how fantastic this project sounds both beat wise and lyrically, but I rather let the music speak for itself. Just let it be known, it made me think long and hard about rewriting all my verses to my current project. I hope this makes you a fan of a Local DJ / Producer who has kept that Raw Sound alive and well in our own backyard against all odds.

Welp, thats this weeks Monday Meds…Hope you take the time to peep a few or all of the links above.
As always, dont be scurrred to drop your comments, let us know how you feeling the projects above or if you have any new music you have found that you think we should be checking for. Remember, sharing is caring.
For more new music, Tune In to #WVCC #CyphLyfeRadio on our Face Book Page @Vice City Cypher Tuesday and Thurdays from 9 – 11pm.