Hialeah Hip Hop Legend L.M.S. has travelled physically, mentally, and spiritually to a new level in life. Meet the New & Improved ULYSSES.
There are few artist in any scene whose talent, drive, and community reach transcend their music. While most MC’s are only focused on the next beat, the next 16, next hook, or the next project, there are some whose creativity, imagination and passion for moving the people is strong enough to actually cause whole movements to form in a city or county, and bring attention to more creatives than just themselves. Our Featured artist today is such an MC. He has earned the title of one of Miami’s most deadly with the Pen, on the Mic, and On Stage. He used to be known as The Last Man Standing, or L.M.S., He also used to weigh over 300 pounds. A lot has changed since then…for starters, you can now call him ULYSSES.

After Winning the Miami MC Olympics, the Grind Time Lounge Battles Freestyle Tournament, and the Red Bull MC Freestyle Challenge hosted by Bun B. After dropping several albums including his debut THE PAGEMASTER, and most recently THE WARRIOR, along with a slew of Singles, Freestyles and Collaboration Tracks. After creating, organizing and establishing Miami’s Premier Acapella Battle Rap League ART OF WAR, and growing it to the point of getting international recognition. After all of these accomplishments and countless others, the microphone monster who now insists on being called by his birthname, ULYSSES, has left the Sunshine and Drama of South Florida for the Frigid yet Peaceful Toronto Canada.

With hopes of providing his family an opportunity at better life and more tranquil surroundings for his baby boy to grow up in, ULYSSIS made the move across the Northern border. Leaving behind everything he had spent his whole life establishing. But just like he took the big risk to have the medical procedure that helped him loose the weight that was becoming a detriment to his health as a Young Adult, He took the risk and made the move with his family. And just like the Surgery didn’t solve all his problems, neither did the move.

We all know someone who has had Lap Ban Surgery or Gastric Bypass and due to the stresses of life or lack of discipline has gained some of the weight back. Your doctor warns you before the surgery, this isn’t going to be an easy process, and success is not guaranteed, only you can make sure you keep the weight off through hard work. L.M.S. migration to Canada came with the same stipulation. All that was happening was a change of location, but success and happiness would not be guaranteed, it would need to be worked for. L has learned this fact first hand, experiencing Emotional fatigue, Loss of employment, the stresses of trying to run an Organized Battle League from long distance, the pressures of trying to stay relevant in the Battle Rap & Hip Hop Conversations, oh yeah…and helping to raise his first child. It’s enough to lead a brother to drink. According to ULYSSES, that is exactly what he did, a little too much. I received a DM from Uly in the middle of 2020 wherein he opened up to me about his secret struggle with Alcoholism, and the toll it was taken on his family life. He had made the decision to get clean and join AA. I commended him on his decision, but being a dude myself who has said I’m going to quite smoking many times, only to have a cigarette or blunt in my hands within the next hour, I didn’t hold him to it. However, ULYSSES has managed to stay disciplined and do the work it took to keep the weight off all these years, and he is focusing the same tenacity into making sure he turns his life around for his Son’s sake. Clean for several months now, with over a year at his new Unionized Job, ULYSSES has finally decided to step back in the booth and remind us who the Fuck He Really Is. He is in the middle of weekly single release series called THE GUANTLET, a metaphor play off of the Marvel Infinity Gauntlet Mythos, with every song title, (TIME, REALITY, SPACE, MIND, etc…) representing a different Infinity Stone in The Gauntlet. Each song displays a different skill set of ULY’s whether it be his battle bars, His break neck Cadence ability, His smooth way with words for the ladies, or his ear for melodies and catchy hooks and flow schemes. From the first release TIME where he announces his triumphant return, to the latest drop MIND, where he warns those throwing shade on his ART OF WAR Battle League and what they have contributed to the Florida Battle Scene to watch their mouth before they become a casualty caught on camera. Make no mistakes, L has matured as a man, but he is still more than down to wash an opp on Camera and welcomes all challenges.
Through the struggles and perseverance of living life in a foreign Country, surrounded by very little friends and family, he has learned rely and take pride in Himself, not a made up Rap Name or a league or a label, but the name his Mother and Father gave him in hopes that he would grow up to be a strong man that brings honor to that name. That is why you can now find him proclaiming on hist latest songs and videos, “I AM ULYSSES”.

Make sure you support THE GUANTLET SERIES on ULYSSES’s Bandcamp, and subscribe to the Bandcamp & Youtube page so you can check out his classics and be the first in line when his New Album “ME” drops later this year.

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