Oime donde estan mis Tigres? Where all my Platanos At? I got a Mixtape to set your mobile phone or computer speakers on fire. ESTEE NACK the Domincan 5 Percenter from Lynn, Mass whose been spitting acid in the national Underground Circuit for the past few years is back, and he riding on a little Dirt Bike with his two shooters TRUE CIPHER riding their Moto’s right next to him. All three carrying their “Canyones” with plenty of balas pa el que se crea guapo. If you dont spreke the language, dont sweat it, Dominican Food is Delicious, Dominican Women are Fine as fuh, Dominican Music is banging, and Dominican Hip Hop….Well just take a listen to the 12 tracks TRUE CIPHER (the Sibling Producer team of TONEZ & O THE BEAT SMITH) have remixed for “El Tigre NACK“. Every beat on this tape hits harder que un merengue ripyado, and ESTEE NACK glides on all these shits. The Domini Comedy Skits between each joint and and track titles just add an extra touch of entertainment and Flavor to the project like some chopped Cilantro.
Support the album at the Bandcamp Page.
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Underground and Indie Hip Hop Streaming Live on TWITCH.TV
Tues & Thursday 9pm – 12 Midnight EST