New Hip Hop to set your Weekend Off Right.
Hello Fellow 88ers. Missed you last Friday. Me and the Wife took the weekend off to beautiful Mountains of Blue Ridge Georgia and had us some rest and relaxation. Disconnected from my phone completely which was needed. The curse of being an Audio Drug Plug is you constantly got to be on the hunt for new music, which requires me to be constantly glued to my phone or computer screen. Just one of the many sacrifices I make to support the local community I grew up in and love, sadly sometimes more than my own mental health. Thanks to the internet free weekend, relaxing outdoors and fresh mountain air, I didnt loose my shit when Baked Plissken took shots at me at the beginning of the week and dissed my Representation of Kendall during the #KENDALLvzHIALEAH Stream last year. I honeslty laughed it off, amazed he was still thinking about the job I did 3 months after the event. I must have made quite an impression on the guy. Whether good or bad, that’s what we are here to do. Share some music with you that will hopefully leave a Lasting Impression and have you talking about Hip Hop again. With that said….Here’s some disgusting new Hip Hop for your weekend.
The TRUST Family Army is on full march in 2021. Ending 2020 with some strong releases from Label Head 38 SPESH and 1st Lady of TRUST, CHE NOIR, they started off 2021 with solid releases from EL CAMINO, FRED THE GODSON (RIP), And now the OG from the Bay PLANET ASIA has teamed up with Los Angeles Producer DIRTYDIGGS to bless us with BLOCK SHAMAN. This album is a book of righteous Black Magic spells, incanted by the Gold Medallion General over Diggs’s expertly brewed samples and drums (check GUNZ N RAZORS feat ROME STREETZ for the perfect example). Features include ROME STREETZ, AA RASHID, FLASSIUS CLAYTON, STYLISTIK JONES ( Who just dropped another fire project with DIRTY DIGGS called EVERYBODY EAT last week), and West Coast Allies/ Likwit Crew Members DEFARI & PHIL THE AGONY. Play this on loud to keep the bad juju away this weekend. Lot of “Mal De Ojo” going around now adays.

What MIC SESSIONZ has managed to do Producing and Engineering off of his Mobil Phone is nothing short of amazing. In 2018, he decided to save the money he was spending on outside Production and started dabbling with beat making apps on his IPhone. In the past 2 years his skills have grown by leaps and bounds as he has gained experience producing, recording, mixing and mastering right on his cell. As you hit play on his latest project, TAKE THREE (the 3rd installment of his DOPE SESSIONZ series with Miami Rhyme Vet and Kendall Hip Hop Legend B DOPE), you are reminded right away of why beats by Primo and Pete Rock made you fall in love with Hip Hop. The 2 MC’s had an equal hand in producing the album as they both worked closely on Writing Concepts, Hook Ideas, Sample Selection and Voice Over Samples they used on the album. Talking to B DOPE, I learned that SESSIONZ would send him at least 1 beat a day. Being that MIC works Nights and B Dope works during the day, DOPE says he would wake up in the morning and either find a new beat waiting for him to write to, or a completed song waiting for his approval. According to BOB, this work ethic has lead them to stock pile songs and they are practically already done with the 4th Edition of the Series. Before we get to TAKE 4, take your sweet time enjoying TAKE THREE. The latest project displays MIC SESSIONZ at his most grimiest, and BOBBY DRAKE at top lyrical form. Special Guest appearances by ORION BRASS BALLS, ULYSSES (aka LMS), NOEMOTION GOLD MASK, SIM-E AUTO of SCHOOL DAYZ, Yours truly 8CH2OWENS, the lovely voiced ELSIE (BDope’s Wife) & an insanely fire B-GLIZZY (BDope’s Son), make this album all the more replayable. Whether it’s the vintage Boom Bap Sound, the Classic 80s/90s Sample Flips, or the flood of raw lyrics, you are going to find something that keeps you coming back for more of the DOPE SESSIONZ Series.
G4 Jag x Mephux – Regressions (New Full Album) Ft. Eto, Flee Lord, BVNG’s, Aaqil Ali Returning with their second collaborative project within the past six months Harlem, NY heavyweight G4Jag has cooked up again with Mephux on the beats. The resulting full-length entitled Regressions, boasts contributions from their fellow Lord Mobb brethren Flee Lord, Eto, BVNG’s, Aaqil Ali, Mercy Da Harlem Kid and Trillmatic (from Trillmatic Premium Goods). Combining G4’s highly introspective and relatable to the have-not’s lyrical narratives over dusted jazz, soul and even samples from Russian sound-sources, it’s that head-nod music for the spirit. Another guest on the album is Mephux’s mother, Olga, who spits some flavor in Russian on the aforementioned joint built with Soviet samples. Speaking on the album title, the emcee relayed “our last EP was Progression, which was dropped on 9-11 (I always drop a project on that date, I was two blocks away from the Towers when the planes hit, so it’s a form of reverence on my part). This release, Regressions addresses the steps we need for balance, including me as a man, a black-man, a father and as a human. Purchase Regressions Here:…
Write Up by Jerry Graham –

Killah Priest – Lord Sun: Heavy Mental 1.1
The Heavy Mental Sensei of the WU Family, KILLAH PRIEST, has descended to us by way of pillar of smoke to proclaim the prophecies that were passed on to him while traveling the multiverse in his new album LORD SUN: HEAVY MENTAL 1.1. I would need to sit down with this album, a stack of ancient text, holy books, Maps and a window dedicated to google searches for a good year to give you a proper break down of this album. Since we don’t have that much time, I will just advise you to contact your local Shaman, secure some caps and stems and take the journey with the PRIEST. For Extra Visual References check out the series of animated videos KILLAH PRIEST has been releasing while preparing this album.
The Big Homie G FAM BLACK has taken the Mask Era to a whole new level. The Ski Mask Monsta has been terrorizing Underground Hip Hop for the past 2 years and either leaving a trail of bodies or a train of followers in his wake. G FAM is back with YEAR OF THE MASK produced by ONAJE JORDAN who laces some lovely instros for BLACK MASK to physically harass. He brings some friends along on tracks like STOP AND FRISK with Bostonian PRYME PROLIFIC, or HANDS DIRTY with LOUPUS DIE or the banging new single SAY WORD feat MAYHEM OF EMS and P-RO. Everything G FAM BLACK drops satisfies that itch for grimey street shit. Mask up and get your fix.
There’s something weird going on over the night skies of the city of Hialeah. Seems to be a lot of unidentified activity going on, a lot of bright lights and loud noises making heads turn, and these newcomers ain’t staying in the shadows anymore. The SCALE MUSIC family has waged an all out invasion on the Miami Music scene with multiple releases from Label Mates TYSON EL DOMINICANO, E1HUNNID, UBYLIS DA PLUG, and now YOUNG FLEX has kamikazed his ufo called HI ALIEN right smack in the middle of 103rd Street, stopping traffic in the city and the Palmetto. Only 7 Tracks Deep but this shit goes hard from start to finish. BIGGER AMOUNT featuring SCALE MUSIC CEO TYSON EL DOMINICANO is a standout track as well as GET MONEY Featuring E1Hunnid, both are guaranteed to get the ladies shaking and your heart racing in the gym. It’s time to stop doubting we are not alone in this South Florida Hip Hop Scene, and SCALE MUSIC is making sure you believe in HI ALIENS.

My Fucking GAWDDDDD….That thump…That Bass Line. So Flow Producer MIGHTY HEALTHY and Detroit MC KING MICAH THE INFAMOUS are following up last year’s blazing KINGMIGHTY project with the first single to their Sophomore release, a banger featuring Detroit Legend GUILTY SIMPSON called HOT OUT HERE. I could have sat through 8 verses from both Spitters, but we only get 2 solid verses that leave the listener anticipating the KINGMIGHTY 2 project due to release in April. Make sure you follow @mightyhealthymusic and @kingmicahinfamous for the latest heat coming from both creatives.
Mousey feat. Chino Dollaz – Mac Daddy (Prod. 3nterprise)
Miami Beaches MOUSEY knows no other gear but cruise. He don’t do reverse and he refuses to hit the brakes. He’s been dropping singles almost weekly for the past year and he’s back again with MAC DADDY, a Cadillac whipping anthem featuring Hialeah spitter CHINO DOLLAZ. MOUSEY drives you down memory lane to the year of 2006 when he capped his first Caddy. He takes you around to the Car Shows he used to hit up, He takes you by the blocks in West Hialeah where he would roam, he takes you by the holes where he used to hustle and by the hoes he put to work. Hit play and hop in the MAC DADDY Caddy and take the tour with MOUSEY. He’ll make sure you see the city right.

Mic Mountain – Knife Fight feat. Keytalife TheDon
My Twin brother from out of Washington DC, MIC MOUNTAIN, just dropped another hunting knife blade down on the ground. His latest dagger called KNIFEFIGHT is ruckus head nodder featuring KEYTALIFE THE DON who attacks first with a steady cadence of quick jabs only to make way for MIC to come in like Croc Dundee, “You call that a Knife? This is a Kniiiife!!” and straight bullies the beat he self produced. This is the 2nd banger MIC drops this week, the first being the new Caribe Boom Bop, HOCUS POCUS, which has The MOUNTAIN going verse for verse with Miami’s own SERUM. Single streaming below for your enjoyment.

Raw Dawg Sewage Rap 2

We got Aliens over the skies of Hialeah and now Aliens are coming out of Sewer holes all over the city of Miami. From North Miami Beach, to Westchester, all the way to West Kendall there are reports of hostile invaders coming out of the Magic Cities underground tunnels and waging war on the glitzy trendy rap “waves” that most of the city’s wannabees flock to. RAW DAWG SEWAGE RAP 2 is an unapologetic Fuck You to the status quo, society norms, dogmas, popularity contests, and any form of hierarchy or classism. So Flow Revolutionaries MIC SESSIONZ, EVAIZE, SIR CHARLES, TRPL Z, SERUM and Big Headed Ring Leader /Album Producer / Rapping Escape Artist BAKED PLISSKEN attack the South Florida Hip Hop Scene with suicidal pilot abandon. The destruction they leave behind is beautiful. Tracks like BUGGED OUT & DRUGMUZIC showcase some of the best verses I have ever heard from MIC SESSIONS & SIR CHARLES. The piano and bass line loop on TRILL make the Train Collision of TRPL Z & SERUM impossible to look away from. Throughout the album, whether it be threw the Film Samples in the intro, or the beats that carry the album, or the Scratches that give every hook that grimey classic hip hop feel, up until the last track on the album, BAKED PLISSKEN makes sure that he is heard and involved in setting the interstellar invasion vibe. The album closer HOUDINI is all the proof you need that PLISSKEN doesn’t give a fuck who he offends, whether god, the listener who might buy his album, or the guy he is paying to do the write up on his latest project. He speaks his mind in multiple ways, and does it with a level of skill that garners respect. I personally can’t stand the guy, but I aint a Hater. I give Props when its due. Check the album out on Bandcamp and judge for yourself.
If you need a night out, make sure you check out the Amazingly Talented Pauly McPaulerson and some other fantastic comedians at PLISSKENS 1ST COMEDY NIGHT. Worst comes to worst we can spend the night heckling him and give him a taste of his own medicine.

J. Arrr & Nicholas Craven – Hoop Dreams (EP)
NICHOLAS CRAVEN, the Producer behind the DIRECTORS CUTS LP Series with RANSOM is back with a new voice to introduce us to on HOOP DREAMS. MC J.ARRR catches the ear immediately with a voice that’s half smoke, half hunting knife, and bars that hug the beat like a porche does a mountain side at top speed. A craaaaaazy verse from the Queen CHE’ BUTTER on 2020 and the Bars that could incarcerate Wolverine from RANSOM on UNPARALLELED, along with NICK CRAVENS effortless sounding Soul Bap make this 5 track EP a must bump. The outro AND 1 shows J.ARRR maneuvering through Fouls of “The Game” and learning to play smart, employing patience, and self control in order to win the game in the Fourth Qtr, and win the Title in game Seven. I think we going to enjoy watching this kid play in the years to come.
This album is just nuttiness in a jar, like peanut butter, but instead of peanuts its platypuses and sea urchins …and Jelly…don’t forget the Jelly. Now what magic mushroom they used to make this jelly I know not, but Teeth Agency seems to be brushing their teeth with the stuff. This album is a wonderful, airy, electromusical, trip to the rainbow-colored side of the moon. Enjoy this while you make Saturday Breakfast or while you drink a psilocybin tea before bed. Make sure you enjoy the visuals provided while you’re at it. Happy travels.

Underground and Indie Hip Hop Streaming Live on TWITCH.TV
Tues & Thursday 9pm – 12 Midnight EST