Have you ever wondered how the sense of Hearing works? How those flaps of cartilage on the sides of your head capture and convert soundwaves into signals that our brian analyzes and interprets in split seconds to receive communications of all sorts. You are probably familiar with the Ear Canal, which most of us grew up carelessly masturbating with q-tips, in attempts to clear out the Wax build up. You might haave even heard of the EarDrum, which is the last thing you want to beat with a drumstick. But have you ever studied the inner workings of our fragile aupooditory sensors or researched the science bhind our recognition and identication of vibrations that travel through the air & lure us into a good time or warn us of approaching danger? South West Miami Microphone Veteran, EVAIZE, wants you to understand exactly how it is that you are receiving the messages he is ready to serve you on his latest offering DESTRUCTION IS A FORM OF CREATION. He wants you to be aware of how intricate the mechanisms on the right and left of your skull are, right before he bombards them with an audio onslaught meant to destroy 1 of the most precious of your 5 senses, to make way for a perfected form of receiving information. This album is meant to make you question everything you have listened to before, Fuck What You Heard!
The 13 track LP produced entirely by EVAIZE’s long time accomplice, the obscure DR. BOWSER, is a bangarang bomb depot. If you are a follower of underground Hip Hop shows online, you might find joints like TEMPT FATE, DUSTY RAPS, JOE ROBBIE, GALAXY & the PUSO 82.3 FM Posse Cut of the Year 2023 Award contender “STAMPEDE” which stayed in rotation the majority of last year. All 5 of these singles drew considerable attention from DJ & Indie Hip Hop platforms across the U.S. and in international markets where real Hip Hop is still coveted. So while we spent the latest two years not seeing EVAIZE & DOC BOWSER in the SoFlow scene, their names stayed getting noticed by real Heads outside of the Magic City. Now in the final qtr of 2024, EVAIZE has amassed the singles that he used to bomb the internet and underground airwaves throughout the past 2 years along with some new burners and a few personal journal entries to complete his 2nd Full Length Solo Album “DESTRUCTION IS A FORM OF CREATION”.
Without a Major Label backing him, EVAIZE managed to run an effective marketing campaign that managed to draw attention to his brand so that when he dropped his latest project, not only did it not fall on deaf ears, it actually leaves faithful listeners feeling like they have been a part of the albums journey. Joints like the BOB DYLAN inspired DUSTY RAPS, or the homage to the Undefeated 72 Dolphins, JOE ROBBIE featuring GODBOY, hit different now after months of not hearing them, but still tickle that nostalgia trigger in my mind, like running into a friend you haven’t seen in years. I have a deeper appreciation for the pen work and grimey style that conjure up visions of a Central American branch of the WU TANG Family Tree.
Then the joints I never heard before catch me by surprise like an untelegraphed quick kick to the nuts. Slappers like the smooth and groovey PLANS feat GODBOY & none other than Brand Nubian Wild Cowboy SADAT X who delivers and exceptional verse and Hook to kick off the song. With classic bars like “The World Traveled, Episodes will Unravel/ My Passport thicker than the Bible/ I fear No Rival/ My survival is a Given, My work Ethic past the Main Stream/ I remain Steam/ ….. and he proclaims “The Brand Nubian / I don’t give a fuck who be in Rotation/ If I can’t get it here I’m flying to a New Nation/. ” There’s also the excellently penned screen play of the homeless vetaran who finally snaps, LONE GUNMAN feat ACID BARRELS group mate MCKXNNA who spits a 3rd verse from the perspective of the media that does more to aggitate individuals suffering from PTSD than it does to help them. Definitely one of the highlights of the project and the clsssic First Blood vocal samples are the perfect bloody cherry to top this story telling Sunday. Then there is the highly explosive NUCLEAR FUSION featuring Miami Underground Monsters SERUM and your Humble Host 8ch2Owens. This is one of those joints I wrote and recorded so long ago that I had forgotten about it, making it even more enjoyable when I heard it again for the 1st Time in a long time. The cuts played down by BAKED PLISSKEN wrap the banger up nicely, like a radioactive straight jacket.
However, my 2 favorite joints off this album full of stand out tracks are DOING ME & the Daddy/Daughter Dedication LETTER TO RAIN. DOING ME is a slow march through the frozen tundra of solitude. You can feel EVAIZEs cold shoulder as he kicks the hook and starts his second verse with the words “The worst place to be is inside of this Cranium Prison/ try to sleep on this and I’ll fuck up your Circadian rhythm / I’m like Casey Jones with the bat, watch me Crack the top of your skull/ Bowser’s just a Beast with the Beats, you bitch is soft and Dull/ My producer is better than yours so it’s time to settle the score/”. Part bragadocious rant, part introspect confession, EVAIZE boldly calls others out on their bullshit while being brutally honest about his own hangups, which makes him an all too relatable figure. The hook is a request to be left the fuck alone which stays stuck in your head like a well written chorus is supposed to.

Then there is LETTER TO RAIN, my personal favorite track off of DESTRUCTION, due to its vulnerable depiction of a Father who is just working hard to make life comfortable for his only offspring. I have had the pleasure of seeing these two grow together as Father and Daughter since E has been proudly posting pictures of his seed, RAIN, since she was a baby, and have seen Him constantly be there for his daughter, even after moving 4 hours away to Central Florida. Any invites I send EVAIZE to come out to a WVCC RADIO Event are always met with a strict, “I’ll have to check my calendar to see if that’s RAINS weekend”. Nothing comes between him and his daughter. He Drives the 4 Hours each way every other Friday to pick her up and then pulls the 8 hour drive again to drop her off on Sunday. A small price to pay to spend time with his Best Friend and Biggest Fan. I recently had to move away from my kids for a year, and had to adjust to the long distance relationship restraints and the pain of saying goodbye at the end of weekends that flew by way to fast, so I can feel it in my bones when EVAIZE sings “RAIN RAIN don’t go away/ Please stay another day/” over the smooth guitar strings, sampled by Dr. Bowser.
Written by 8ch2Owens
Founder of Vice City Cypher, WVCC Radio, PROFRESH Publicty. With over 20 Years in South Florida’s Hip Hop Scene 8ch2Owens has carved his name into the Miami Hip Hop history books, and now uses his talents to promote the best in South Florida Indie Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop from around the globe.