The word BABA means Father in many South African languages. A term of endearment and respect to the Elder Gentlemen of our society. If ESKIA’s Baba, ELOMBE BRATH, was anything, he was highly respected in his community. An organizer and widely recognized Pan African Activist, the Brooklyn born ELOMBE BRATH is known for founding the PATRICE LUMUMBA COALITION, and co-founding the AFRICAN JAZZ-ART SOCIETY & STUDIOS, and WADU, the WORLD AFRICAN DIASPORA UNION to advocate for the unification of the African Diaspora politicaly, culturally, and economically with Africa. An outspoken opposer of the use of the word “NEGRO”, ELOMBE BRATH launched the GRANDASSA MODELS, a group of African American Models who sported Afros during Afrocentric Fashion Shows promoting the BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL movement. To say the least, MANDELLA ESKIA BRATH, son of ELOMBE, was left with a mighty big pair of loafers to fill. To which he replies, hold my cup of green juice.

WVCC – “I love the Word Play you utilize on tracks like “WAIT” creating the double entendre of Weight Shame/ Wait Shame. Who are some of your favorite Word Players?M.E – “Probably comedians but if we’re talking MC’s. Probably old school Cam’ron, Jay Z, Eminem.”WVCC – “Hold Up Hold Up, I never heard that reply before. Comedians? Like who?”M.E – “Well, I think comedians are clever. And they find interesting angles. As far as who is my favorite Comedic Word Player, I dont know if I can Answer that question. I know a lot of them personally.”
WVCC – “On joints like FACE, WAIT, MOODY, LIKE YOURSELF, HUSH & FOZZY, you exude a natural self-confidence. How much of a hand would you say your BABA had in shaping that in you?M.E – “A lot.When I was crafting those songs I imagined the confidence he had to have to stand behind his beliefs. Like when I think of those songs I think of this photo”(See Photo below of ELOMBE BRATH dressed like a Pan African 007. Photo taken by Kwame Brathwaite, Mandella’s late uncle.)WVCC- “Man, he was a sharp dressed dude. Is that where you get your flare for fashion from?”M.E. -“Honestly, yes but that’s new. Recently I’ve had a thing for linens and that’s the kinda stuff he used to wear.”

Written by 8ch2Owens
Founder of Vice City Cypher, WVCC Radio, & PROFRESH Publicty. With over 20 Years in South Florida’s Hip Hop Scene 8ch2Owens has carved his name into the Miami Hip Hop history books, and now uses his talents to promote the best in South Florida Indie Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop from around the globe.